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It's cold , dark , and I'm walking the streets of this town that has saved my life. How could Brandon just give up? I'm angry at the whole situation! I somehow make it to the small community park about two and half miles from the house. I have no idea what time it is, but it has to be early morning because the lamp posts are turning off and the sun is rising. I walk over to the benches to think and all around is sirens going off. The only thing I can do is sit and cry,  and I look at the playground imagining me ,Leo, and Ricky playing when I first got here.

I come back to reality when I see a fire and rescue truck pull in. The driver quickly turns off the lights and gets out. The shadow figure comes closer and It's Sam. I jump up from the bench and run into his arms. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry."  Tears are streaming down my face and I can't control it anymore. Sam grabs me and hold be tight for a while then lifts me up. "It's not your fault, I don't know why your sorry." I look at his glistening eyes and he wipes my tears away. "I can't go back Sam I just can't." He looks at with sad eyes "Brandon told me about all that happened between you and your dad." Sam picked me up and we went to sit on the benches.

Me and sam have been sitting on the bench for what seems like hours. The sun is up and I looked at Sam's watch, and it read 9:30am. I'm leaned on sam and our fingers are intertwined. Sam shifts his weights a little and he wraps his arm around me. "Why don't you stay with me?" I sit up and flash a look in his direction "where did that come from?" I say really surprised. "I talked to your brother before I came looking for you." "I told him that you could stay with me and finish school and then after school you are free to go and do whatever." I look up at Sam and embrace him "Are you sure about this?" He kisses the top of my head "I am very sure."

Sam and I just keep holding each other for a long minute. I jump up from the bench and grabs his hands to lift him up. I wrap my arms around him and tighten my grip. "Should we go tell Brandon?" Sam says . I nod in response as I look up at him Sam gives me a quick kiss and walks me to the passenger side of the truck. He opens the door to let me in, then goes to the driver side to get in. Sam turns on the truck and pulls out, as he is driving I'm playing with my fingers and I'm just getting overwhelmed about going back to the house. Sam looks over , grabs my hand , and gives me a reassuring calming look.

We pulled into the drive way and the fire trucks are finishing up getting their equipment put away. Sam turns off the truck and looks over at me. "I know this is hard Elizabeth , but I got you and I'm not going anywhere." I give him a small smile and get out of the truck. I see Leo and Ricky sitting on the side walk playing with one of their toy trucks. They both look up as I shut the door and realize its me. It takes them a minute but they quickly jump up from the curb and run to me. Leo starts crying and Ricky clings to my hip. I embrace them tightly so they feel completely safe. Leo wipes his eyes and looks up at me "Why did you run off Liz?" "You can't leave us." I kneel down to be the same height as him. "I'm sorry , I just need some time to think and get my head straight." Leo buried his face back into me.

I see Brandon walk out of the burned up house or at least what is left. "Brandon!" I holler at him. He whips his head towards me and walks over. He gives me a big hug and tells the boys to go play. He gives me a serious look "We need to talk." I look at him all serious "You think?" He playfully punches my shoulder.

"Listen Liz you are old enough to make decisions for yourself. If I had another option for me and the boys here in Krupp then I would stay, but this house was all I have." Brandon looks at Eliza with tears forming in his eyes.  Eliza gives him a comforting smile as he continues. "Liz all the things that our parents have done to you are pretty much unforgettable and I am so sorry that I wasn't there to stop it." Eliza sees how much Brandon is beating himself up, So she pulls him in for a tight embrace.

"You have nothing to worry about leaving me here. I have Sam here to help me with school and basically everything else." Brandon chuckles lightly. "Did I at least teach you a few things about being a adult?" Eliza chuckles and nods.

"I think the boys and I are gonna go to hotel down the road from here, you can come with us or start your journey with Sam tonight." I look over at Sam who is sitting with the boys. "I think I am gonna go with sam tonight."
Brandon smiles and whistles for the boys. They come running over and nearly knock me down from impact. I kneel down and give them the biggest hug ever. "Liz loves you both so much and I promise this isn't the last time you see me." I can feel their hands cling onto my shirt as tight as they could. I stand back up after a few minuets and hug Brandon. "Don't be a cocoon , be a Butterfly. I love you Squirt." I smile at Brandon "I love you too big Brother.

Sam walks over to my side and wraps his arm around my waist as I watch my family walk down the road to nearest hotel. I look up at sam and move closer to him.

" I am ready for my new adventure."

Word count - 1072

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