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Y/N's pov

I sigh as I sat on my mattress

I can't live in this house without my parents giving me a black eye. I know what you are all thinking I can leave this place but I can't my parents won't let me

Like they said and I quoted "We love to torture you and hear you scream in pain, where would all the fun go if you left".

I try to escape but they would always capture me and beat me up about 10 times harder. Anyways the weather in Seoul is not all that bad, today it's raining ughhhhhh I hate the rain.

Besides the weather in Seoul, Seoul is a very dangerous place to live in because of the powerful feared mafia gang called "Enhypen", they own Seoul and South Korea.

The leader of that gang is named Park Sunghoon, I hear many rumors about him which are not pretty, trust me.

I layed down on my mattress which was in my room. But to be honest with you I don't think it is a bedroom because in the right corner there is a dusty mattress in which I haved layed on and near the door there is a dirty wardrobe. Also there is a shattered window, and it gets very cold at night and I don't have a blanket to keep me warm.

Like my parents said "Dirty rags like you don't need to be warm".

I got up and started getting changed into a hoodie and ripped blue jeans. After that I got a little bag which has some makeup in it. I really don't like wearing makeup but I need to cover up the bruises on my face and neck. I brushed my hair and left it down

(This is how your hair looks like but black hair)

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(This is how your hair looks like but black hair)

Once I have done that, I quietly walked downstairs making sure I don't wake up my parents. But faith brought me in another direction.

I saw my dad in the kitchen reading his newspaper with beer bottle in his left hand. I thought in my head "oh my god this cannot be good". I walked to the kitchen with my head down because I'm afraid if I look up at my dad then my dad will start punching me and lecture me about how to be obedient.

As I was walking towards the fridge, I accidentally nudged his shoulder and all of his drink spilled on his newspaper that he was reading.

Y/n: *in head* oh shit!


My dad shouted at me and turned towards me


The next thing I know I had a burning stinging sensation on my left cheek and I knew that my dad slapped me. I covered my cheek with my left hand and whispered or more like stuttered.

Y/n: i-i a-am so-sorry I didn't m-mean

I couldn't finish what I was about to say because he punch me in the stomach. I screamed in pain and fell on the floor. He started to kick me repeatedly and I protectively put my hands on my stomach, I had tears falling down on my face.

𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙈𝙖𝙛𝙞𝙖 𝙗𝙤𝙨𝙨 𝙬𝙖𝙣𝙩𝙨 𝙢𝙚 (Enhypen Sunghoon x reader) Where stories live. Discover now