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Y/n's pov

After I was dealing with Sunghoon about what happened at the mall, I decided to go out in the garden that was outside of his house just to get some fresh air with the smell of roses. One of Sunghoon's guards was with me so to make sure nothing will happen to me. I spotted a very nice red rose and placed it in my hair, adding a bit of details on me.

A yelling interrupted my thoughts and saw a very furious Sunghoon coming my way but why? Oh now I know, I didn't tell him I was going to the garden outside

Sunghoon: Y/n!!

That yelling made look down in shame and might get hit in the face then I felt him grabbing me into his chest and telling me to look at him

Sunghoon: look at me y/n

I was shaking in fear as I shake my head 'no'. His voice got so more mad then as if wanted to kill someone that did something to me

Sunghoon: baby you better look at me now and I'm not joking

That last sentence made me shot up my head and he looked relieved and mad at the same time

Sunghoon: next time tell me where your going, you had worry

Y/n: * whispers* I would tell you but I know you would say no and all you ever do is just keep me inside of your office while you work

After I said all of that in one go, I saw his body relax and I knew that all of his anger went away

Sunghoon: *sighs* I just need to know so I can know your going to be fine and protected

Y/n: but I bought one of your bodyguards with me so they can watch me

He turned his head towards the guard who was bowing position that he was showing respect to Sunghoon. The guard left after Sunghoon gave him permission to leave and now it was just me and Sunghoon outside

I didn't want to him angry anymore so I kissed him on his cheek and apologized

Y/n: I'm sorry I didn't tell you, I promise I'll tell you next time I swear

Sunghoon: okay baby it's a promise

Me and him interlock our pinkies to make a forever promise. After standing for 1 minute, Sunghoon grabbed my chin to look at him and now kissing me. The kiss was everything that a girl could possibly get, while still kissing, something rattled in the bushes

Me and Sunghoon looked towards exactly where the sound came from and decided to walk towards the bushes.

Y/n: *whispers* what is behind there?

Sunghoon: I don't know

I decided to be brave and check what it was and it was bunny? It looked exactly like this

It was honestly the cutest bunny that I ever seen in like years but for some reason Sunghoon didn't have any type of emotion, he just stood like nothing is going on

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It was honestly the cutest bunny that I ever seen in like years but for some reason Sunghoon didn't have any type of emotion, he just stood like nothing is going on. The bunny started coming towards me and I think it likes me.

I brought my hand so I can touch it but Sunghoon took my hand

Y/n: Sunghoon please let me touch it

Sunghoon: I don't want you to get hurt baby

Y/n: please I know what to do

Sunghoon hesitates but nods. I crouch bending down to the bunny and started petting it.

The bunny hesitated but it got very close to me and let's me pet it. I was to distracted petting the bunny when I heard a 'click' sound and I turned to see Sunghoon with a gun. I picked up the bunny fast as I can and shield it from protection. Poor bunny was shaking of fear.

I shouted at Sunghoon

Y/n: Sunghoon please put away the gun your scaring the bunny

He was gripping into the barrel like he was holding on for god dear life. He looked at me as if he thinks if he shoots then he will hurt me. He places the gun down on the floor. I smiled and asked him to come towards me so he can try and pet the bunny.

He came and touched the bunny.

Sunghoon: honestly this bunny is not so bad it's actually cute

I giggled

Y/n: can we keep it?

I said with puppy eyes to see if he will say yes. He turned to look at me and it looks like he would say no but what do you know he said.......

Sunghoon: yes babygirl we can keep it

I was filled with joy that the moment he said that. I gave him a hug to show him how much I love him and kissed his cheek.

Y/n: I wonder what should I name it?

Sunghoon: maybe Lily? Since it's a girl?

Y/n: yeah that can be the name :)

Me and Sunghoon were outside playing around with Lily (the bunny) and now she fell asleep on my lap so I'm just sitting down with Sunghoon

Sunghoon: okay baby I need to go and get some work done in my office so if you want to come inside again just tell my body guard to let you in

Y/n: okay I'll stay out here

Sunghoon: okay

Sunghoon kisses my lips and leaves to go do work for whatever he has to do and I just took a little nap because I felt like it

Unknown POV (Ateez POV) (a/n: I'm going to say the names)

Seonghwa, San, Wooyoung were watching y/n and Sunghoon together just being a whole entire cringe couple that they are

Yeosang: hwa can we just kill Sunghoon he already stole something from us

Wooyoung: what did he exactly steal from us?

Yeosang: the girl duh!

Seonghwa: guys stop fighting, oh! Look she is alone

All three of them were watching her sleeping (not in a creepy way)

Wooyoung: she looks so cute

Yeosang: yeah she does

Ateez hates Sunghoon so much that they can't stand him anymore because he was such a asshole that nobody liked

We kept looking at her when we saw her getting up and leaving. We will come back for 'our princess' and once we get her she will be ours

𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙈𝙖𝙛𝙞𝙖 𝙗𝙤𝙨𝙨 𝙬𝙖𝙣𝙩𝙨 𝙢𝙚 (Enhypen Sunghoon x reader) Where stories live. Discover now