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A/n: hiiiii it's the author btw I'M SORRY I DIDN'T POST ANYMORE CHAPTERS but I'm now making three chapters today since you guys have been waiting and commenting that you want more so here is chapter 9.

Y/n's pov

Me and Lisa have been shopping to every single store that is in the mall together by what I have to buy and we had to ourselves and went inside of Victoria Secret's. My arms were so tired due to the many bags I have on me, I was about to just give up and set down my bags while Lisa spoke to me

Lisa: y/n if your tired of holding thoses bags just give them to the guards

I heisted for a moment until I nodded my head and gave the guards all of my bags and one of them gave a small pat on my head.

Y/n: you know you shouldn't pat me like that, I'm not a dog

I said that since he which is the guard patted me just like if a dog did so good to its owner. They all laughed at my saying including Lisa. The guards were calling me cute and saying awww at the same time, this made me send a glare towards Lisa who is clutching onto her stomach from all of the laughing.

Y/n: your not acting like a best friend Lisa

After Lisa got done laughing, she came up to me and pinched my cheeks which hurt then all of the guards started pinching my cheeks. I started to try and find a way out from Lisa and the guards but unfortunately they just kept me there almost not leaving my sight and what to expect, all of the guards fell on the floor laughing. I was so embarrassed that many people were giving me looks so I walked away from them but I crashed into somebody else. I saw which was 8 men standing looking at me, one of them offers his hand to me to take and I got a good glimpse of him

(A/n: I'm adding ATEEZ to this story but enhypen and ateez are sworn enemies to each other)

This guy had blond hair with so much piercings on his left and right ear with so much tattoos and a lip piercing and nose piercing

This guy had blond hair with so much piercings on his left and right ear with so much tattoos and a lip piercing and nose piercing

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He had a white Nike shirt on with blue jeans with Nike Pranda kicks. I took his hand and he lifted me up back on my feet, my whole face was blushing so much and I don't know why but I know why it's because of them. I decided to apologize to them

Y/n: I'm sorry for bumming into you and thank you for helping me up

I waited for him to say something so it won't be too awkward for telling a random dude that I was sorry. But I felt his hand going to my chin and made eye contact with me, he said with a very deep voice

????: it's okay if you bumped into me and your welcome

I didn't want to make eye contact with him but I did and I saw inside of his eyes anger and love, why? I heard another one say

𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙈𝙖𝙛𝙞𝙖 𝙗𝙤𝙨𝙨 𝙬𝙖𝙣𝙩𝙨 𝙢𝙚 (Enhypen Sunghoon x reader) Where stories live. Discover now