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Y/n's pov

I woke up by a ray of sunshine from the window and took around my surroundings figuring where exactly I was and I realized this was the first time I slept so long and peaceful. I turned around and saw Sunghoon fast sleep with his arms around me, I want him to let me go cause I have to really use the bathroom badly, I was whispering and shaking him to see if he could wake up

Y/n: *whispered* Sunghoon ~

Nothing so I tried wiggling so I could get out of his grip and it worked he woke up then he said with a deep ass voice

Sunghoon: where do you think your going babe?

Damn that deep voice made my heart race so then I told him

Y/n: so if you could move your arms cause I really have to use the bathroom please?

Then he said

Sunghoon: fine

And let's go of me and I ran cause you have no idea how much I have to use the bathroom after I did my important business I washed my hands and dried my hands and left the bathroom. when I got out of the bathroom I felt two strong arms circling my waist and I realized that it was Sunghoon, he nuzzles his face on my neck and giving kisses as well. Then he said

Sunghoon: how'd you slept baby?

And I responded

Y/n: I slept very good

Sunghoon: that's good to hear

Sunghoon then picked me in bridal style and walked towards his wardrobe, he got another hoodie and set me down on his bed

Sunghoon: okay baby I need you to raise your arms for me

Sunghoon was smirking when he said that but I told him which made his smirk go away

Y/n: I can dress myself you know that right

Sunghoon: yes I know that but your in pain

Y/n: I'll be fine Sunghoon

As I went to get the clothes from him, I felt a sudden pain in my ribs and I hissed and crouched down and putting my own arms around my waist

Sunghoon gasps and sets the clothes on the bed and got down to my level

Sunghoon: baby, are you okay? Where does it hurt?

I shook my head "no" from when Sunghoon told me if I was okay then I also told him where it hurts

Y/n: m-my r-ribs

I had a lot of tears coming from my eyes cause of the pain I'm having, Sunghoon gently picked me up and layed me down

Sunghoon: baby I'll be right back okay

I nodded my head and he left the room and came back few seconds later, in his hand he gave me two pain relief tablets and glass of water. I put the tablets in my mouth and swallowed them with water

Sunghoon rubbed my ribs helping the pain go away and said

Sunghoon: I'm so sorry love that you have to go through this pain

I then looked at him

Y/n: n-no i-its okay y-you don't h-have to a-apologize

He then gave me a light kiss on my head and kept rubbing my ribs and whispering sweet things in my ears, Sunghoon got up and got his phone to call I don't know who. I heard him talking to someone

𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙈𝙖𝙛𝙞𝙖 𝙗𝙤𝙨𝙨 𝙬𝙖𝙣𝙩𝙨 𝙢𝙚 (Enhypen Sunghoon x reader) Where stories live. Discover now