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Little disclaimer: sorry that I haven't been posting ch 7, I have a lot of babysitting jobs and I don't have any time to write any chapters so my bad but here it is and other thing I came back to see my book at 1.17k views like OMG thank you guys for reading my story anyways let's get back to chapter.7

Y/n's pov

As everyone in the kitchen, laughing, joking around, one by one everyone started leaving to do their jobs, it was only me and Sunghoon in the kitchen and I'm still on his lap and it was dinner time so Sunghoon was feeding me like a little baby and I tried many times to get the spoon out of his hands but he would always take it away from me

Sunghoon: love, after your done eating, we can go outside to the garden, you have practice on your walking since your in pain okay?

Sunghoon says that and I frowned because I don't want to walk anymore but I'll still go to the garden with him, also my mind went completely broke when he said 'garden'

Y/n: wait did you say garden?!

Sunghoon: yes I did babe, why?

Y/n: I never knew you had a garden, so can we go please!?! *squealed at the last end*

Sunghoon: *chuckles* sure

I wrapped my hands around him and gave him a loving hug then he started placing pecks on the top of my head and carries me to the garden

On their way to the garden~

The moment we got there, it was so beautiful, just everywhere flowers and so many red roses that was so beautiful then I saw a pot of red roses on a table so I tried wiggling out of Sunghoon's grip but he tightened his grip on me and he was gripping way to hard on me

Y/n: hoonie, can you please let go of me so I can touch the roses please? *pouts at the end*

Sunghoon: but remember you can't walk so I can't let you go

I started to whine as that I wanted to touch the roses so badly but obviously I can't walk because since I had a pain on my ribs that's what causing me not to walk anymore, Sunghoon started lowering me down so I could try and stand up but when I was on my feet, I immediately fell down, Sunghoon grabbed me and pulled me towards his chest

Y/n: Sunghoon-ah

Sunghoon: y/n-ah

I then started to cry since pain started up and he picked me up in bridal style which I held on to him, snuggling into his chest

Sunghoon: shhhh~ baby it's okay don't cry, your okay, want me to take you to the roses?

I nodded quickly as he said that and ran towards them. There was a sofa where you can sit to look at the flowers and that's where me and Sunghoon are sitting on and I had my head on his chest while he had his chin on my head, stroking my hair at the same time

Sunghoo: you love this garden don't you y/n *kisses on cheek*

Y/n: yes it's very beautiful

Sunghoon: but not as beautiful then you

I froze the moment he said and all he did was to chuckled at my reaction and we spent hours together talking about other stuff in the garden but when brought up this topic, everything changed

Sunghoon: you know there's one thing I haven't done to you

Y/n: what's that?

Sunghoon: this

Sunghoon put his lips on mine and started making out with me, he also swiped his tongue across my lips so he can go inside my mouth but I denied it and he wasted no time but to squeeze my ass which made me gasped and he puts his tongue inside of my mouth. He grabbed my arms and made them wrapped around his neck. We finally broke the kiss since we had to control our breathing

Y/n: Sunghoon I'm tired~

Sunghoon: but it's only 5 in the afternoon, why not spend one more hour outside?

Y/n: okay

Sunghoon: plus you can sleep right here on my chest

And that's exactly what I did, just fell asleep on his chest while he also started falling asleep too so he got up and went to our bedroom and slept the whole entire night but one thing was I couldn't even sleep at all so I woke up Sunghoon to see if he can take me to the kitchen

Y/n: Sunghoon

Sunghoon: hm?

Y/n: can you carry me to the kitchen please

Sunghoon got up from the bed and carried me to the kitchen. He got me a cup of milk since I wanted that and hopefully I could fall asleep once I'm done with the milk

Sunghoon: love why are you awake right now?

Y/n: oh I couldn't sleep so I wanted to drink something so I could sleep properly

Sunghoon nodded at what I said and he swiped his thumb across the top of my lips and I asked why he did that

Y/n: why did you that?

Sunghoon: you had milk on your face so I whipped it away for you *smiles at the end*

I also smiled. I finished drinking my milk and my eye lids was dropping so hard that I could literally fall down and pass out like light but asleep so when that was happening, Sunghoon caught me and took me upstairs so he cuddle me up

Sunghoon: goodnight babygirl

Y/n: night hoonie

We both fell asleep on each other and waited for the next day to wake up so we can have a great day


(A/n: ello it's me again, I just want to say thanks again for 1.17k reads on my story, it really made my day better🥲, anyways I have school tomorrow so I won't be active until it's my weekend so see yall next chapter. Bye Engene's ♡


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