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Sunghoon's POV

After leaving y/n outside so she can have relaxation, I was so busy doing all of my work on my desk that a sudden knock was a the door. I said 'come in' to whoever was out there

I was so focused on my work that I had no idea who came in until a soft, sweet, angel like voice called out to me

Y/n: Sunghoon?

I looked up to see my baby in front of me and of course holding the bunny that we found outside

Sunghoon: what's up babygirl?

Y/n: umm I'm getting a little bit hungry and I want ice cream so can I go and get some? Please 🥺

Man sometimes I hate it when she does puppy eyes at me making me feel miserable towards her but I had to say no

Sunghoon: no baby

I hear her do a small huff and a sob which made me get up from my chair and ran up to her for comfort

Sunghoon: baby please don't cry okay you can go just take at least two guards with you so nothing can happen to you

Y/n: okay :)

Damn it she tricked me acting that she will cry then become happy again. I took the bunny out of her hands to lay down the bunny somewhere

Y/n: are you going to watch lily for me?

Sunghoon: yes baby I will

Y/n kisses my cheek then on my lips that made my heart go crazy for her kisses so I had to dive in to her lips and had a make out session for 5 minutes then I had to let her go but before I can call my guards she tells me

Y/n: wait Sunghoon I don't need anyone with me I can do everything myself I'm a big girl :)

Sunghoon: nope you are not going by yourself. Sam, Brandon!(the names of the guards)

The two came running into my office and they looked very tired but still ready to do anything for my work

Sunghoon: do you think you guys can watch over my girl make sure she doesn't get into trouble

Sam(the guard): um Sunghoon don't you think that y/n is old enough to do stuff on her own?

I haven't really thought about that. I was thinking if I should let y/n out where she can be in serious trouble or that she will be fine and she will come back to me in one piece

Sunghoon: *sighs* okay y/n I'm letting you go out by yourself and make sure you don't get into trouble

Y/n: I won't

I pulled out at least $1000 so she can buy what she wants. She looked very shocked to see how much money I pulled out but happiness came flowing over me. She left a small kiss on my cheek and went off to have fun

I was thinking that I should call one of my friends and tell them to spy over y/n making sure she doesn't do anything stupid. So I did. I called Heeseung

Heeseung: hey man what's up

Sunghoon: listen I want you to be really sneaky and spy on y/n, she went out without any bodyguards but I can trust you to spy on her

Heeseung: is she going anywhere or like...

Sunghoon: she's going to that ice cream shop by herself so I want you to watch her but don't be obvious to spying on her bye

Heeseung: bye

I'm so worried about her, there's other Mafia and I know one of them being Ateez. they are my most worst enemy that I've ever seen and please they hate me to which I don't know why but I know one reason which is I'm not sharing. If those guys get anywhere near my girl, then they should say hi to hell when it comes to me.

Y/n's POV

I was in the ice cream shop waiting to get my ice cream was chocolate chips with vanilla and strawberry and one cherry on top. I exited outside the shop and saw the park which it wouldn't be bad if I stay for a little while plus I was getting creepy vibes cause there was a black car like those type of kidnapping ones and I was getting scared but I shouldn't be so I went to the park. I was so focused on my ice cream that I bumped into someone, I was waiting to fall but the person I ran into wraps their hands around my waist and pulled me towards their chest

???: Hey you can open your eyes it's okay

That voice sounds so familiar so I opened my eyes and it was the same guy that spoke to me at the mall. He was so close to me as if he wanted to kiss me so I wiggled out of his arms and took a step away from him.

Y/n: sorry sir I didn't mean to run into you

I heard some footsteps behind the guy and behind him was the rest of the guys

(A/n: they were standing like this in front of y/n except Seonghwa in front and Hongjoong is right next to him)

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(A/n: they were standing like this in front of y/n except Seonghwa in front and Hongjoong is right next to him)

???: It's nice to see you again once more again y/n

Wait how does he remember my name, oh yeah I told him my name the time I was talking to them. I was going to speak up but I heard footsteps behind me and their stood Heeseung with a gun in his hand

Heeseung: y/n, come towards me now

Y/n: your not going to shoot them are you?

Heeseung: I won't or I will if you don't come with me Sunghoon needs you back

Y/n: okay*turns to the other group* I hope we can meet again

???: It was lovely to see you y/n

I waved bye and got inside the car that Heeseung had and drove away

???'s POV

Hongjoong: man we were so close to having her but of course Sunghoon has many ways to protect her

Seonghwa: just be patient we will get her someday

San: okay when is that someday?

Seonghwa: someday~

All of them grew a smirk and walked away from the park hoping to get y/n one-day and keep her forever........ hopefully

𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙈𝙖𝙛𝙞𝙖 𝙗𝙤𝙨𝙨 𝙬𝙖𝙣𝙩𝙨 𝙢𝙚 (Enhypen Sunghoon x reader) Where stories live. Discover now