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(a/n: a little disclaimer, I'll be putting enhypen or just any song at the top ⬆so you just listen to enhypen or anything :) )

Sunghoon's pov

As I watched my baby fall into deep sleep I was surprised that she feared her biggest fear because she obliviously never had a experience with needles before so she was scared of them, I went out of my trance and the doctor said

Felix: Okay now that's out of the way I have to fix her ribs so if the both of you leave the room

Me and Jungwon went out of the room so the doctor could do his business but before I could leave the room I took one look at my baby and kissed her head then heading to the kitchen

When I got to the kitchen, Jake and Heeseung were also there just talking about other stuff then I sat down on a stool and also was worried for my girl. I then turned around and asked Jake

Sunghoon: Jake where did you keep those bastards at?

He then replies

Jake: their in the basement, why did you ask?

Sunghoon: I'm just going to do a little visit and beat up their ass

I looked at everyone with a smirk face and they smirk back cause they know exactly what Im going to do then I ask Heeseung

Sunghoon: hey Heeseung, I need you to call Jay cause I need his help

Heeseung: okay boss I'll call him

Sunghoon: okay thank you

I got up from the stool I was sitting and headed to the basement and to those people who don't know who Jay is, he is apart of my gang but me and him are very close and we would always be together until something else happened in my life that I don't want to talk about

On their way to the basement~

(Still Sunghoon's pov)

I walked to the basement and also my house has a whole entire jail inside the basement, I sometimes use it on people just to torture them and tie them up but I haven't used it in such a long time. I called out to the person that was tied up to the chair

Sunghoon: Lee sangjun

He looked right at me but quickly looked down, his face was so beaten up but I didn't give a fuck so I punched him in the face and he started coughing up blood all over the place then I asked him

Sunghoon: hey did you know that my babygirl is in pain because of you and your fucking slut

He didn't answer me so I punched him and yelled at him with all my might


Then he finally gave me an answer

Y/d: y-y-y-yes s-sir

He stuttered out then I heard the basement door open and slam close then I looked in that direction and saw Jay coming my way

Jay: hey Sunghoon

Sunghoon: hey Jay, how are you?

Jay replies

Jay: I've been good thanks for asking and why did you need me again?

𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙈𝙖𝙛𝙞𝙖 𝙗𝙤𝙨𝙨 𝙬𝙖𝙣𝙩𝙨 𝙢𝙚 (Enhypen Sunghoon x reader) Where stories live. Discover now