Chapter 1//Redwing? More like RedRING >:)

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"Redwing?" All eyes turn to the drone as he hovers between Dorothy Grace and Sam Wilson, a small pillow on his head with rings upon it.

Victoria watches from her seat, a smile on her face as Sam slips the ring onto her mother's finger.

"Do you, Dorothy Grace, take Samuel Wilson as your lawfully wedded husband? To love and to cherish, through sickness and health."

"I do."

Sam now has a ring as well(coz he so cool), and the priest smiles at them.
"I now pronounce you, husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

Not caring about the other guests, Vic squeals and grabs Ned's arm, the boy - or, man now- chuckles at his girlfriend's behavior.

. . .

The after-party. Definitely a fun place to be. Especially when there's drama.

"Samual Wilson!"

The newlyweds look up, the groom wincing at the recognition of the voice. His sister. He might've remembered to invite her, but tell her even had a girl to get married to? Well, that he did not remember.

"When were you gonna tell me you had a girl?" Sarah plants her hands on her hips, eyeing Dorothy up and down.

"Now..?" Sam chuckles nervously, wrapping his arm around his wife's waist.

"Right," Sarah scoffs, muttering as she walks off. "Where's that friend of his? I wanna see if he's still getting drinks for the ladies-"

. . .

Victoria knew it was just some silly game, but she loved the thought of shoving through other girls to snatch the bouquet.

Her mother chuckles as she turns her back to the group of girls, Vicky and MJ among them, but Sam stops her, glancing at his step-daughter with a playful glint in his eyes. She passes him the flowers, to which he walks right up to Vic.
"For you, m'lady."

The girl takes them in confusion, yelping lightly as Sam grabs her shoulder and spins her around, finally noticing everyone's gasps and giggles.
Ned is on one knee before her, a sheepish grin on his face as he holds out the small box.

"Victoria Penelope Grace..." not the full name.
"Will you marry me?"

. . .


Short chapter to get back into this spiral of infinite chaos!!
Yes, everyone, the crazy story of Victoria Grace is back in action!!!
With more drama!!
And more Vic x Ned! Coz why not, she's an adult now(my baby's all grown up :°D)
In this book, she'll be 18- whatever age. Idk yet, the last book she was like, 16-18

And I'm sorry if the wedding was not accurate, idk wut I'm doing

Larb u 3,000 <333


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