Chapter 11// Chad

46 1 13

It's been a few months since Vic got kidnapped by Smokey Dude, and he hasn't popped up anywhere as far as they know.
The blonde is now 32 weeks along, very tired, and not really excited for when she has to push her kids out.

[Chaos Group Chat]

Don't worry hon
Everything will be fine :)

How would you know
You've never even been pregnant before


Oops forgot to tell you I found out I'm adopted lmao
So I know you did not birth me
And I'm an only child


Undead mom
Positive that you are not helpful Wilson

Babe Wilson
Which one? Coz im still here <3

And we all wish you weren't

Lighten up Buckateer this is about me


Darth Vader
Even if your mom has never been pregnant
I'm sure everything will go fine :)
We'll have Dr. Cho and maybe Dr Banner
Still have no clue what his profession is other than Hulk

I'm not a doctor
I'm a scientist :/

Bob the Builder
I can bring you to Asgard!
Our healers would be happy to aid in the birth of your children

Thanks uncle Thor
Aight ima go grab a coffee

. . .

Victoria is waiting peacefully for her coffee in a nearby cafe. Yes, she is aware that there is a coffee machine in the tower, she just needed some outside time so she doesn't awaken her depression.
It's healthy, you readers with depression should try it out :)

Anywhosies, this very obviously pregnant woman is waiting for her coffee, when some guy walks over, a smug look on his stupid face.
"Well, I didn't know they served angels here~"

"Yeah," the blonde nods slowly, her mouth forming a line as she starts to ignore this guy, who is trying to flirt with a pregnant woman. She rolls her eyes as he steps in front of her, continuing his useless attempt at flattering her.

"Like, seriously, do you work as a supermodel or something?" He stuffs his hands in his pockets, giving her a smirk.

"Yup," she replies, turning to her side and placing her right hand on her belly, making large hand motions with her left as she talks. She has a ring on it after all.
"Definitely a supermodel. I do supermodel things."

"Knew it," the man chuckles, stepping closer to her, causing her to make a face of disgust.
"With the face of a goddess you just had to be."

"Alright, Giga Chad," Victoria sighs sharply, placing her hands on her hips.
"I literally look like I swallowed a whole ass watermelon, and I have a very nice wedding ring. So thanks, but no thanks. I would rather date an anime boy than date some living version of the comic book douche bag."
The woman grabs her coffee off the counter, paying the cashier and heading towards the door.
"Nice chattin' with you though! I'm always fishing for compliments-"

"Nope," the man grabs her wrist, causing her to drop her coffee all over the floor.
"You think you can talk to me like that, you little bitch? Think again."

Vic's mouth is hanging open, and this silly man believes it's because he successfully intimidated her.
"You made me drop my coffee."

"And you talked to me like I'm some piece of shit!" He tugs on her wrist, pulling her towards the cafe exit.

"Oh puh-lease," Vicky scoffs, sending the chad into shock as her hand turns into smoke, leaving his grip immediately.
"How can a 30 or so man act so childish. Other than Wade. He has a pass. Now, if you'll excuse me Mr. Muppet I'm gonna go home. Also, I'm 18 you creep."

She's walking somewhat peacefully down the sidewalk when:
"That little fuck is a mutant!"
People start gasping and scrambling away from the blonde, pulling out their phones as the Chad walks back up to her.
"You're gonna go to the ice box you sick freak."

"That's what you think," Victoria chuckles, starting to walk off, but police sirens start sounding from down the road.
"Bitch, I'm an Avenger."

"Never heard of you," the man sneers, watching as multiple cop cars circle her, men and women stepping towards her with guns and tasers.
"That's the woman officers. Lock her up good. She's a killer."

One of the cops step close to her with a taser, but Vic steps away quickly.
"Nuh uh I'm with child."
She pauses.
"Childs. Children? I dunno but there's 2 in here. Also, Chad," she turns to the man that originally had been flirting with her, and is now sending her to jail cause she ignored him.
"You're a dickhead."

"My name's Bradley-"

"It's Chad now, your welcome."

. . .


What is going on? I have no clue anymore I'm sorry.
Welp, Vic is going to the Ice Box I guess.
Even though she's 32 weeks preganté.
We'll figure it out :)

Larb u 3,000 <333


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