Chapter 23//Location

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I have a lead

Sir Stabby
What is it??

My sources tell me some of his main henchman were seen at an old boat graveyard in Staten Island, NY. Arthur Kill Rd.

Sir Stabby
I'll be there in 45 minutes

. . .

"Come on, Ben. Mom just texted me," Jayce hops off the couch, shoving her phone into her pocket and grabbed her friend's arm.
"She is not happy that we left the tower."
Loki moves to the side as the kids rush to the door.
"Bye, Uncle Loki! Thanks for teaching me how to use my cool powers!"

The brunette bounding down the steps, and the young boy being dragged behind her, she grins, still in her fiery form.

"I got a lead on Rose's location," she tells him, stopping to look around for things he could swing on.
"Did you bring your web shooters?"

"I don't go anywhere without them," Ben shrugged, pulling them out of his pocket, flinching slightly as Jayce quickly clamps them onto his wrist.

"She's at that old Staten Island boat graveyard. If we go fast enough, we could get there before anything happens!"

"That's a dumb idea."

"You're a dumb idea."

. . .

Victoria is currently leaning against a small water tower on a rooftop, eyes closed as she tries to catch her breath. She may have been strong, but her abilities do have limits, especially when she's exhausted. Bucky is standing beside her, arms crossed over his chest and brow creased with worry. The man looks over at the blonde as she speaks in a quiet, shaky voice, eyes still closed.

"Buck, what if we don't find her in time."

He frowns, stepping closer to Vic and placing his hand on her shoulder.
"We will, okay? It's gonna be fine."
Bucky wraps his arms around her, planting a kiss on the top of her head and sighing.
"I'm gonna find her, kiddo. I promise."
Victoria's phone vibrates in her pocket, and pulling it out, she reads the notification on the lock screen, eyes widening as she steps back.

Staten Island, Arthur Kill Rd
Bring everyone

"Jayce sent me a location!"
She quickly shows her friend the text, turning herself into a cloud of smoke, small sparks flicking off of her.
"Get everyone together, now!"

. . .

A figure, perching on a large shipping container with massive white wings casting large shadows in the light of the setting sun. Their pointed ears twitch slightly, gold eyes drilling holes into the group in front of them.

"You sure this is gonna work?"

They glance at their partner, someone clad in black and red leather, katanas posted on his back and small handguns strapped to his thighs. The winged figure breaths through their nose, looking back to the multiple men surrounded by colorful intermodal shipping crates, a young girl in the center of the protective circle they made.
"He has his plans, and I have mine."

"I know, but is it gonna work?" The man kneels down, unclipping one of his guns and pointing it lazily at the group.
"I can give it a shove, if you need."

Their hand flies up, holding the leather-dressed figure's wrist and lowering it, eyes still trained forward.
The gold irises radiate determination, focus. Confidence wasn't clear in the situation, but that didn't matter. They hold up a cellphone, shaking it lightly and allowing the man to read the conversation between them and the kid, the figure letting a small smirk tug at their lips.
"We stick to the plan. Let the heroes come in, distract that shit hole while having a chance to grab the kid. We grab Mikaele, and we get the hell out of here."

"Vic won't be happy to see you."

"She won't be happy to see you working with me, Wade, so it's a good thing we won't be seen."

. . .


So sorry I haven't updated ugh I've been so goddamn tired oh ma gawd. Ah, don't you just love drama? I do. I'm evil like that. Also, teenager hormones are getting the best of me and I'm an evil little rat rn. The next chapters(if they get posted between now and New Years Day) may have lots of drama coz I'm ridiculous and literally ready to bite someone. Is it coz I'm mad? No, it's coz I can.

Do comment though, I tend to be ridiculous as well with the fact that my only weakness to not being an evil little rat is many comments to brighten my day :)

Larb u 3,000 <333

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