Chapter 20//Get Help

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Jayce and Ben practically dive out of the elevator once it opens, the girl barreling into Bucky. Ben would as well if he hadn't jumped onto the ceiling.

"What the hell has you running like that?" Bucky groans as he helps the brunette to her feet.
"Where's Rose?"
As the parents of the kids walk over, Buck has already put two and two together.
"Jay, Ben, where is Rose."

The kids look at each other, and despite being strong children of superheroes, they are still children, and they both break down, Ben running over and clinging to his father, and Jayce falling to her knees in shock.

"He took her," she muttered, looking up at Vic.
"I knew it wasn't safe and I still let her go. And now she's gone."

"Jayce," Victoria says quietly, fear filling her eyes as she sits down.
"Where's your sister."
The girl only mutters one sentence.

"The son of Surtyr..."

. . .

Rose coughs and shoves herself away from the man, looking around in a panic when she finds herself in an old building.
"Bring me back, now! I don't want your help with anything!"

"Not yet you don't. Not when you still have so many questions."

"Not ever! You just kidnapped me!" The girl looks up at the son of Surtyr, shielding herself with her arms, despite knowing it would do nothing.
She screams and kicks when he grabs her arm, trying to tear away while her supposed grandfather drags her across dusty pavement, her knees getting scratched and dirtied.

"Enough of your insolence, child," Surtyrson scoffs, lifting Rose up by her arm and clamping thick metal cuffs around her wrists.
"Victory's attempts at keeping you from me were pointless. She should know by now that I take what I want with ease."

The blonde continues yelling, her feet dragging through layers of soot and ash while she struggles in the cuffs, stopping to cough from how much was kicked into the air.
"I don't care how much you torture me, I'm not doing anything for you."

Surtyrson chuckles menacingly, slowly stepping towards her.
"Again, you're mistaken. There will be no forms of torture. Not when I can simply bend your mind to my every whim."

. . .

Jayce is sitting on the couch, a massive squishmallow planted in her lap, her head resting on the top of it. She hadn't spoken in a good twenty minutes, and Ben was still crying. She thought she could take him. She thought she could protect her sister. She's a demigod for Odin's sake! And yet, she failed.

"If you're sitting there thinking about how you failed or some shit so help me," Victoria sits beside her daughter, a sad and faltering smile on her face.
"It's not your fault, Jay. Even if it looks like all signs point to it. It's not."

Jayce sniffles and snuggles up against her mom, managing some words while she fights back tears.
"I could've done something.. I could've, I could've shot him. I could've run forward. I should've done something."

"That's just the thing. There was nothing you could do. This isn't on you," Vicky gently runs her fingers through Jayce's hair, planting a kiss on the top of her head.
"I could've done something. I should've told you about Siggeir. I should've prepared you in some way, at least with knowledge to know not to go after him. I acted like if I just never talked about him, he stopped existing.

"I hid from him. For years. My fear, caused Rose to get hurt. It was selfish. I'm so sorry."

"It's okay, mom," Jayce whispers. "I forgive you."
The young brunette stays silent as she listens to her mom try to stay composed.
"It's also okay to be scared. I'm scared all the time. So are Ben and Rose. Everyone gets scared."

. . .

Weird kid
Last text you sent me sounded awfully sus

Sir Stabby
Oh sorry

What's up
I can smell the depression in your text

Sir Stabby
Well, you remember how I said I had a super important mission?

Which was sus
You text like a high schooler

Sir Stabby
My sister got kidnapped

That's rough buddy
Oh hey!
Maybe I can help!

Sir Stabby
What!? How?

Well, I know like, all the baddies in NY!

Sir Stabby

Don't give me that face
I can probably find who took your sis!

Sir Stabby
I know who took her
Some guy named Siggeir

Oh well shit
Of course it's him

Sir Stabby

I said I new everyone 😎

Sir Stabby
Can you help find my sis?

I'll have to do it anonymously
Unfortunately I have some history with this dude
And he's a douche

Sir Stabby
Haha I told him that

Dayum bold
I'll help with everything I can

Sir Stabby
Thank you 🥺


. . .


I wrote another chapter muahahahhah
I'm on a roll
Also, a gift 🤌👌🥣

I made this >:3

Larb u 3,000 <333


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