Chapter 2 : Partnered Up

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I s a b e l l a

The next day, was the same as yesterday, except it was Friday. Yes, we started school on Thursday.

When Nicole picked me up from school, we just listened to some music and sang along.

We arrived at school soon and was greeted by a cluster of kids. I rolled down the window and saw it was a fight.

It was between some Freshmen. I rolled my eyes, "Silly kiddies."

Nicole groaned. "Urgh. People need to move! I have places to be and people to see."

I giggled. "Just honk. That'll get their attention."

She honked once... twice... but nothing. She sighed in defeat, "it's no use. We are gonna be left here to rot if these little children don't MOVE OUT OF MY WAY!"

After waiting for about 10 minutes, the principal came running out to break up the fight. Everyone started to disperse as they noticed that other staff were coming. We eased into a parking space and was finally able to get inside.

Chris came over and pulled Nicole into a side hug, "Did you hear? They're having another Senior Assembly to announce the partners for the trip. Supposedly you have to not only do bonding exercises with them throughout the day, but they want you to share a tent with them also."

I perked up at this. "So that means that pairings will be the same gender?"

Nicole shrugged. "I'm not so sure. Our school isn't exactly normal."

Sighing in defeat, I headed towards my locker. I saw Nicole kiss Chris's cheek and the jog over to me.

"Hey, perk up, girly. There's still hope."

"Slim to none."

We separated from each other and met back up in front of the gym. Chris, Nicole, and I all walked in together and found an open seat.

After everyone came into the gym, the assembly began.

"Good morning, senior class. Today is the day you find out who you will spend your days with on this camping trip! So we are going to split you guys up by last name. So everyone from a through f please report to the cafeteria. G through r, please go to the music room. And the rest of you please stay seated."

Chris Fines.

Nicole Richman.

Isabella Skye.


All of us are getting split up. Could this get any worse?

I looked up and saw who was still here.

Looks like it could get worse; Dominic Stephens.

Horror and panic was running through me. Horrified that I could possibly be partnered with him, and panicked that I could possibly be partnered with him.

Before I could freak anymore, they started announcing names.

"Emma Shard and Kendall Seth. Jordan Steel and Hilary Short. Isabella Skye and Dominic Stephens."


I looked over at Dominic and he looked over at me with a horrified look. I turned my head and sighed.

Why? Why must this happen to me?


Homeroom class was ok, but when people heard who I got paired with, they all had something to say about it,

"Ew, Dominic was put with her? "

"Poor Dom, has to spend an entire week with the nerd."

"Dom should ask if he could trade partners with someone else because who would want to be stuck with that all week."

And those were the nice ones. I didn't mind having Dominic as my partner, he'd probably just make fun of me, make me do all the work, and then take credit for everything I did. It's the same thing everytime.

He isn't the worst bully of mine, but he is one of them. I plan to just keep to myself unless I'm forced to socialize with him. That should work, right?

Lunch time rolled around and I decided to just get some chips and a juice. I went and walked over to our usual table and there I saw Chris and his friends but no Nicole.

"Hey, Chris. Where's Nicole?"

He finished chewing before saying, "she had to talk to her teacher about something. She should be here soon."

I nodded and plopped down on the bench. I was so nervous about the trip. I asked Chris, "who's your partner?"

He sighed, "Matthew Field. Or as most people know, the star point guard of our basketball team. Also, Dominic Stephens' best friend."

I gasped. "Really? He's your partner?"

Chris nodded just as Nicole came running over to us. She sat on the bench between me and Chris.

"Hey girl, you ok?"

She was panting and out of breathe. "My teacher made me run an extra lap for not stretching correctly. Stupid physical education."

I laughed. Nicole never liked running. "Do you need something to drink? I could go get you a -"

Before I could finish, Nicole already grabbed and drank my entire juice. I sighed.

"OK, I guess I'll go get myself a drink then,"

Nicole smiled, "Could you grab me a water too? Thanks bae!"

I laughed but headed towards the vending machine. When i returned, Chris was telling Nicole who his partner was.

"Who'd you get partnered up with, Nikki?"

She snarled, "Brittney Red. Little miss 'I'm better than you so kiss my butt.' This sucks."

I winced. "You got it rough, sweetie."

She nodded, "Who'd you get?"

"Dominic Stephens."

The table went silent.

"Guys?" I snapped my fingers in their faces but got noting.

"Hello? Earth to people!"

They all asked simultaneously, "Seriously?"

I nodded, "Unfortunately, yes."

Nicole was the first to snap out of it. She scooted closer to me and said, "I wish you the best of luck, hun."

I smiled weakly. "Hey, maybe we could go to the mall this weekend and buy some new clothes for the trip. Whadda ya say, Bella?"

I shrugged, maybe I need this distraction. "Sure,"

Who would've thought that 2 names together could make such a difference?

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