Chapter 6 : Uh-oh...

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D o m i n i c

Isabella is... amazing. I think I might actually, like her.

No, you can't. She'd ruin your rep. Snap out of it!

She can't ruin my rep. She's different. She's beautiful.

Sure, she puts on new clothes, but she's still the same Nerd she was before the trip.

Ugh! I pulled my hair in frustration and kicked my blanket off. I need to figure this out.

I got up and went outside to see Isabella and the rest hanging out on a log. We're they waiting for me?

"Hey guys, are we heading to the mess hall?" I asked as my stomach growled.

Matt patted my back, "woah, dude! We better get there quick, aye?" We all laughed. This was nice. To have some friends that won't cling to you like an octopus.

We all walked to the mess hall and for a second I realized Brittney was gone. "Hey guys, where's Brit?"

Nicole shook her head, "She said that she didn't feel good so the teachers let her skip today's activity,"

That's odd. "She didn't want breakfast?"

Everyone shrugged and I saw Isabella's face fall.

"Anyways, do you guys know what today's activity is?"

Isabella shook her head, "they said they'd announce it after breakfast,"

I nodded. Great. We all split up to get our food.

After we ate, they announced that today we would be going to the lake and having a chicken tournament. (If you don't know what chicken is, it's a game where one person is on the others shoulder and 2 teams go up against each other and try to get the person to fall first.) There were going to be 3 games per team and whoever won the most got to skip their do whatever they please tomorrow.

Me and Isabella went back to our tent to change into our swim suits. I threw on a t shirt and my swim trunks. I got out and saw Isabella in a bikini with her hair cascading down her back. She was talking to Nicole, so her back was to me. I took a moment and realized that she looked stunning.

I went over and Matt, Chris, Nicole, Isabella, and I all headed over to the lake, which was about a 10 minute walk away.

When we got there, everyone was in the water. We were supposed to be with our partners, but if there were 2 guys that were partners, they'd have to find a girl to pair up with.

Chris went with Nicole and Matt went with Brittney's best friend, Crystal.

I'm pretty sure Crystal liked Matt but I'm not sure. Isabella was near the water but she was only dipping her toes in. The teacher announced that we needed to get ready as we would be starting in 5 minutes. I went over to Isabella and she turned and smiled.

"Ready to battle?" I asked with a smirk on my face knowing we'd probably lose.
She shrugged uncertainly. "I'm not so sure,"

I put my arm around her to reassure her. "Don't worry, it's just a game,"

I hopped in the water and splashed Isabella a little. She shrieked but laughed. I popped my head out of the water and flipped my hair. She walked over to the dock and motioned for me to follow.

I went over and she sat down, "I figured this would be the easiest way to get on your shoulders,"

I nodded and faced my back to her. She slid onto my shoulders and I walked over to where the fights would be.

First up was me and Isabella and Chris and Nicole. I felt Isabella tense as she noticed. I grabbed her ankle and steadied her. The teacher blew the whistle and I ran towards Chris. Chris did the same and the girls were pushing each other. Nicole was the one doing the most, and eventually Isabella fell off.

I turned around to find her. She was standing there with a disappointed expression. "What's wrong, Isabella?"

She gave me a fake smile and waved it off, "nothing, let's go try again,"

I nodded and went under water to get Isabella back on my shoulders. We had to go against Matt and Crystal next.

"You ready, Isabella?" I asked as me and Matt walked in circles. She sighed, "as ready as I'll ever be,"

The whistle blew and Matt charged forwards. I did as well and Crystal went ballistic. She was pulling Isabella's hair and shoving her aggressively. I backed up a little and I felt Isabella reach down to balance herself. She tapped my shoulder and so I went back. She tried to shove Crystal, but Crystal pushed her hard and she fell off.

I turned around and saw Isabella shaking her head. "Hey, you ok?"

She just nodded and didn't meet my eyes. I don't think she's in the chicken mood right now, but we only had one game left. "Hey, how about we do this last game and then we could just relax?"

She shrugged. She still didn't look up so I went under water and put her on my shoulders.

"Just one more game, Isabella," she nodded and looked at her opponent. We were up against one of Chris's friends and his girlfriend. Dang it. She looked tough.

The teacher blew the whistle and I stood still. I waited for them to charge at us. When they did, I took a step back and almost fell, but then, the girls grabbed each others arms and began fighting.

In the end, we lost, yet again, and Isabella was just laying in the water. The teacher said now we could do whatever we please so long as we stay with our partner.

I swam over to a saddened Isabella. "What's with the long face?"

She sighed. She stood up and shrugged, "I'm just disappointed that I couldn't win for us,"

"Don't worry, it's no big deal!" I said as I patted her back.

"I don't think so, I mean, I knew I was weak, but I didn't realize I was that weak." She looked down at the ripples of water.

I put my hand on the side of her face and tilted it up.

"Keep your head up, gorgeous. Weak or not, it doesn't matter. What matters is we tried and we had fun, who cares if we win or lose?" I said as I stroked her cheek and gazed into her dark brown eyes.

She gazed back at me and we just stood there for a minute. "I'm sorry, Dominic. I should've tried harder, and I know your saying you don't care, but I think you're just trynna be nice. I'm so-" she doesn't have to be sorry. I cut her off by placing my lips onto hers.

She froze. Uh-oh.... she doesn't want this. She doesn't like me. I was about to pull away when I felt her melt into my touch.

She wrapped her arms around my neck and got on her tip toes. I wrapped my arms around her waste. I felt, something. Something I've never experienced with any other girl. Not even Brittney.

Could it be, sparks?

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