*Bonus Chapter*

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C h r i s

Nikki and i have been going strong for the entire school year, but now that it's time for college, she seems distant. She always makes up excuses whenever I ask her to hang out or go on a date. She'll never come over and she ignores my texts.

Today I decided to go over her place and ask her what's up because I hate what's she's doing. I walked up to her front door and rang the doorbell. I heard feet scurrying to the door and when it opened, there stood Nicole.

"Nikki-" I started but she opened the door wider to come outside and closed the door behind her. I looked at her confused. She just looked at me telling me to continue. "What's wrong? Why are you being so distant? Did I do something wrong?"

Nikki sat down on the porch swing chair and sighed. "It's not you, Chris. It's me," I scrunched my eyebrows together and asked. "Are you breaking up with me?"

Nikki had tears rushing down her face just at the mention of it. "I-I do - don't want to, bu-but what other choice do we have? You're going to college in New York and I'll be in California. It just won't work." She said as her body shook from sobbing.

I pulled her close and said, "Shh, baby. We can Skype when we don't have classes, text all day, call whenever, and see each other every holiday. We can make it work." I said hugging her tight.

"That's the thing, we'll be all the way across country from each other. It won't be the same," she said trying to pry herself away from me.

I hugged her tighter, scared that if I let go, I'd lose her. "Don't do this to me, Nicole. You know I love you so gosh dang much that I'd do anything to keep you happy," I said. "So why couldn't you chose a closer school! Why'd you make this so hard for us?!" She screamed at me as she hit my chest.

I slightly pulled away. "What?" I said shocked she'd say something so selfish. She just sat there completely frozen. "You know, I put a lot of effort into us. You know darn well that I wouldn't purposely make you feel this way. You know that NYU has been my dream college ever since I was a kid and you expect me to just drop everything I ever worked hard and dreamed for?" I said slightly infuriated.

"Chris, I-I-" she stuttered. "Do you even love me, Nicole?" I asked because I've told her time and time again that I love her with ever thing in me, but not once has she said it back. She was silent. I nodded. "Okay. Well then, have a great future, Nicole." I said as I got up and went to my car. Nicole sat there crying her eyes out as I pulled out of the driveway.


An hour or so after the big fight with Nicole I got a text from Isabella saying "WTH did you do to Nikki!?" I didn't answer but soon after I got a text from Dom. "Dude, you ok? I just heard what Nikki and Bella were talking about." I groaned. I didn't respond yet again but got one more text from Bella, "Meet at the park near my place, plz." It read.

I went and hopped into my car and drove to the park. There was Nikki in the middle of the playground all by herself. I went over to her and tapped her shoulder. "Bella told me to come here. Is she here?" Nikki shook her head no. I nodded and was about to head back to my car when I felt a tiny delicate hand wrap around my wrist. "Chris, I'm sorry I was so selfish earlier. I think I thought that picking a fight would be easier so I could hate you while you're gone, but really I could never hate you."

"Chris, I love you so much. And I want us to work. I'm willing to commit 110% of myself to this relationship if it means we'll stay together. Please, forgive me?"

I didn't say anything. I looked over at her and leaned in and gave her a kiss that said it all. My fear, my devotion, my dedication, my appreciation, my loyalty, and most of all, my love.

I pulled away and cupped her face in my hands.

"I love you so much, and we will get through this. Together."


Hey guys, I completely forgot to mention #Chricole in the epilogue go I figured I'd add a bonus chapter for them. Hope y'all enjoyed.

Comment who you ship more #Chricole or #Domabella ♡

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