Chapter 10 : You what?

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D o m i n i c

Isn't that against bro code or whatever? I liked her first. But then again I'm with Brittney. I need to figure this out.

It's Monday and Brittney has been avoiding me. Why does everyone avoid me? I went to look for Britt and found her at her locker. "Hey Britt, can we talk?" She nodded and we went to the library for some privacy. Brittney seemed uncomfortable. "I know this baby isn't mine," I started. She had glossy eyes and nodded. "It's Randal's..." I nodded. "I know. I saw you kiss him the other day," Brittney snapped her head up.

"You did?" I nodded. "Brittney, do you even like me anymore? " She shook her head no. I sighed. "So we've been using each other. Okay. I think we know where this is going..." Brittney nodded and said "You were a great boyfriend, but we just weren't meant to be. So this is goodbye because I'm moving,"

"Moving? Where?" I asked. She shrugged. "Randal is coming with. My parents want me to get rid of the baby, but I can't. So I'm leaving." I patted her shoulder. "I wish you the best," she smiled and walked away.


It's now lunch and I NEED to talk to Isabella. I ran to the cafeteria and saw her at her usual table with Nicole, Chris, and Matt. I went over and asked, "Can I talk to you, Isabella?" She nodded and followed me to a secluded corner. "Brittney isn't pregnant with my kid," I said. Isabella smiled, "That's great, Dominic. But, why are you telling me this?" I took a deep breath. "Because I want to be with you. Britt and I broke up. She's moving and I want you. I want to be happy and that's all I am when I'm with you." Isabella went silent. "Please say something," I begged.

"You seriously think that it's that easy? You basically told me that being with me would totally ruin you but now you 'don't care'? You know, I fell for you. And I fell hard, but who was there to catch me? Nobody. And you just expect me to come crawling back to you because you're available and want me? Well guess what? I want someone who'll like me no matter what I do or who I am. Someone who can accept me for who I am. And you weren't able to do that. Matt has made me feel like a princess when I'm with him and whenever I look at you I feel like crap. Like I'll never be good enough. And I have to deal with that. The feeling of being 2nd best." By this time we were both teary eyed. The bell rang and she said, "I have to go to class,"

I screwed up and I need to fix it.

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