Chapter 5 : Getting to know the Nerd

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D o m i n i c

She's the nerd. She's Isabella. How is that even possible?

Hanging out with her was very, interesting. She is not who I thought she was.

Shy? No

Lame? No

Nerdy? That is still possible.

I couldn't sleep last night because all I could think about was Isabella.

I was so out of it. Matt, my best bud, came over and patted my back.

"Wassup, dude?"

I shrugged. "Tired as heck. How bout you?"

"Good, good. My partner is pretty chill. How about yours? Dude, she's fine,"

Leave it to Matt to say something like that. "Do you even know who that is?"

He shook his head. "Not a clue, who is she?"

I smirked, "Isabella Skye,"

Matt's jaw dropped. "You've got to be kidding, seriously? Dang, she cleans up gooood."

Matt continued to oogle over Isabella while she was talking to Nicole.

I rolled my eyes. "Dude, I'm starved, let's head over to the mess hall,"

We walked over to the mess hall and along the way, we met up with Brittney. She clung to me like she always did.

Honestly, it was getting annoying, but what can I do? We're expected to be together and if I end it with her, it'd ruin my reputation.

At the mess hall, everyone was peacefully eating the buffet that was set up.

Mmmm, waffles.

I detached Brittney from my arm and rushed to get a stack of waffles. I sat down first, then Matt and Brittney joined. We all ate in silence until Isabella and her friends came over.

She nervously pushed some loose hair behind her ear and asked, "um, is it ok if we sit with you? They ran out of places to sit..."

I was about to answer when Matt beat me to it. "Of course you guys could! Any friend of Chris's is a friend of mine!"


Chris and Nicole sat on one side of Matt and Isabella could choose to sit next to me, or next to Matt.

She decided to just sit next to Matt, but I wished she sat next to me. Wait, what?

No, she's just my partner. I brushed it off and continued to eat my waffles as Matt engaged in a conversation with Isabella.

"You like Austin Mahone? Ew, he's such a wanna be Justin Bieber! Girl, Harry Styles is so much better." Matt tried to act causal, but him and Isabella both were cracking up laughing.

"Oh my gosh." Isabella said as she clutched her stomach. "I can't believe you just did that,"

Matt shrugged, "I like to keep up with the newest music trends."

Wow, Matt was definitely far from normal.

I stepped in, "Dude, you are so weird,"

Soon everyone at the table was imitating Matt. Nicole and Isabella were dying of laughter and no Brittney looked bored.

"Hey, what's wrong, Brit?"

She filed her nails, "this is stupid. I'm bored and this conversation is annoying me,"

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