Chapter 33 - High Tea

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The day after Mother's day, I woke up feeling different, like something inside of me changed, and Dennis' accident put things in perspective for me. I'm not one to do things in a rushed way. All my decisions are calculated, analyzed and then put into action. I barely recognize myself since that moment, but do not dislike it.

The weather has changed and these perfect summer days make me long for downtime, a cool drink and a refreshing pool. Marissa looks beautiful as always, but today she has a certain glow to her that has me entranced. When I went to pick her at her house and she opened the door wearing a short white dress, I felt I could cry from how she finished the image in my mind of an idyllic summer so perfectly.

"Why are you staring at me?" She says as we drive towards our date.

"Can't help it. You look so beautiful," I say before returning my eyes to the road.

"Thank you! You look very handsome yourself with that new haircut. I believe the warm weather makes anyone look pretty. We don't look as pasty as a few months ago," she laughs. "You had a bit of a hectic week with Carter and Dennis' wedding coming up so soon. Are you ready for next weekend?"

"We are as ready as we can be, and I'm still amazed that we have been able to make this circus theme work out."

"You should know by now that no theme is too wild for Morgan Events."

"But you know me. There's this voice in my head that reminds me often that the chance of fucking things up is real. To make sure everything runs smoothly, I'm leaving for Lonstino already on Thursday. Remember that we have reservations at the Harbor Grand Hotel. After you bring the cake and everything else we ordered with you and Luke, you can go to the hotel to get refreshed before the wedding. From there, it's only a 15 minute drive to the fairgrounds."

"My plan was to come dressed already, but this is much better. There's always the chance of something tumbling or falling. I rather not have it happen on my dressy clothes. And talking about clothes, did you find a solution for Dennis?"

"Mom saved the day as we hoped. She's making him a shirt and a tuxedo vest with a zipper on the side of the sling. The goal is to avoid moving his arm as much as possible."

"That's a brilliant idea. I'm so sorry that this happened right before the wedding with everything else that they've gone through. The last you want is to manage a painful injury on your special day."

"If he's in pain, he doesn't let it show. He says it's more of an inconvenience. He's enjoying his new career path and the fact that he met his biological sibling."

"Abigail told me about it. I'm happy for him. Have they invited to the wedding?"

"Yes, they did, and he'll be there. You've been to Moonlight House before and he's a bartender there. His name is Shawn, and he seems like a kind guy, pretty much like Dennis."

"If I see him, I'll probably recognize him. I'm looking forward to the wedding. Usually I only bake for events. It's been a long time since I've been a guest at a wedding."

Marissa and I arrive at a restaurant on the outskirts of Greenwood. I found the romantic-looking cottage with a thatched roof the perfect place to break the routine of the places we frequent.

"This place is adorable! Is that a herb garden?"

When I read their website, that's the one thing I knew she would love most. Not only do they have their own herb garden, they cook with them. Inside it's as charming as the outside. Very feminine flea market finds displayed in beautiful ways. I will certainly add it to my list of venues, but that's not why we are here today.

Planning Forever After (Book 3, Lonstino & Greenwood Series)Where stories live. Discover now