Chapter 39 - Forever After

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The wedding reception has reached an end. Most of our guests have left by now and the ones with younger children have gone to the fairgrounds to continue the fun. Our parents have made themselves at home on the steps of the gazebo where they drink a last cup of coffee and indulge in cupcakes before they head home as well. I'm not sure if they've become friends, but they have been friendly towards each other. Or maybe a few extra glasses of champagne had something to do with this new-found friendliness. At least it doesn't seem as if my parents have made any nasty comments and Dennis' mom has not tried to jump on them. I consider that a success. My parents have also been kind and respectful towards Dennis and that's all I wanted.

The evening is clear and beautiful and the gardens are illuminated by tiny lights. It was dreamy during the afternoon and now just looks magical.

"Carter?" Abigail places her hand on my arm. "Everything is ready. Thank you for allowing us to be part of your special day. I already said it to Dennis, but I wish you both so much happiness."

"Thanks, Abi. I hope you all will come by after our honeymoon for dinner. You are part of us now."

"We'll be there." She kisses my cheek.

Thomas joins us and Abigail excuses herself to continue with the break down.

"How are you feeling?" He asks.

"Somehow sad that this is all coming to an end, yet excited to see where life will take us. Soon you'll be a married man as well."

Thomas looks flustered, something I haven't seen in all these months. "Ah... Yeah... Marissa is an incredible woman. I just never thought I would tie the knot. Especially not with someone I've known in forever."

"What are you both talking about?" I feel an arm around my waist and look to my side to find my handsome husband next to me.

"Thomas' wedding to Marissa."

"I recommend marriage one hundred percent." He affirms. "Didier said you had to tell me something."

Thomas takes the moment to continue his tasks and I turn to Dennis. "I have something to show you."

Dennis and I hold hands and follow the garden paths until we reach a private area of the park. His eyes widen when he sees the area between the trees illuminated by lights. When we come closer, we find two tables. One set up with small sandwiches and sweets and the other with two chairs, dinnerware and cups. I pull a chair for Dennis who is mesmerized by the lanterns hanging from the trees.

"I thought they were candles, now I see lamps is what's inside," he says.

"Fire isn't allowed on the fairgrounds. I think the lamps do the trick quite well, don't you think?"

"They do. What is this?" He asks as I serve him a cup of tea.

"Your favorite, chamomile. I thought we could use a moment for ourselves after the busy day we had. I also had them make these." I pick a small plate and set it in the middle.

"Are those... No, you didn't!"

"Luke's cheesecake. I heard from Abigail they are your favorite thing right now." 

"I swear they help to keep me in one piece on difficult days. This is fantastic! Thank you so much for arranging this.

"It's the least I could do to say that I'm sorry after our argument."

"Nonsense. I forgave you a long time ago for that misunderstanding. Although if every fight is compensated with Luke's cheesecake then prepare for war." He gives me a cheeky grin before taking a sip of his tea.

Planning Forever After (Book 3, Lonstino & Greenwood Series)Where stories live. Discover now