Chapter 30 - Performers

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Since Abigail is busy managing a small event and Thomas took the day off, I'm meeting with the prospective performers for Carter and Dennis' wedding. After that, I'll head back to my apartment to clean up some. I've been spending most nights at Abigail and I have been neglecting its care. Last week, I thought I would have to get all the stuff that has been making it to Abigail's house back to my place. I'm grateful for Will's intervention.

Mentioning that I want to marry her was a defining moment for me. I never thought I would fall in love or that I would learn to care about someone so deeply. Because of my upbringing, I don't trust people easily and giving my heart willingly to her is a big deal. I know well that we only know each other for months, but I also know that the way I feel won't change in a year's time or longer. My heart rejoices when I wake up in the morning and she's next to me. When our skin touches accidentally, I feel chills. She's taught me to love myself with all my imperfections, whether it's my behavior, or my physical ones. All my life I've felt disgusted by the burn scars from my circus act, but Abigail loves caressing them with her fingers.

Her encouragement goes beyond compliments about my work, or my initiatives, and she's helped me to sign up for college. Next fall semester, I'll begin my learning path to get a degree in business administration. Thomas loved the idea and said that anything I learn and that can apply to the business is an investment, and offered to pay half of my tuition fees.

The Morgans have become my family, right when I felt I was completely alone in this world. When I asked Abigail if she wanted to marry me, I just wanted to make the bond I feel with them permanent. Her reaction shocked me. She paled and then her face crumpled in tears. Before I could say or do anything, she locked herself in her bedroom. The ring I got for her stayed in my pocket. I couldn't figure what I did wrong. The only thing I could think of was that maybe she wanted us to be in a relationship for a longer time before committing to marriage.

"I'm really sorry, Abigail," I said against the closed door. "I didn't intend to hurt you. Please forget I said anything and open the door."

After a few minutes, I heard a click, and the door opened. She sat on the bed and I didn't know how to fix whatever is that I did.

"Are you angry at me for asking you to marry me? Is that it?"

"Why ruin what we have?" She rubbed her ring finger and didn't look at me.

"I don't see how we can ruin our relationship by formalizing it. It makes no sense to me. What are you afraid of?"

Her sadness turned into anger, and she stormed into the kitchen. I also got the silent treatment, which was only broken when she finished packing the food for the potluck and told me we needed to leave to her mom's house. 

Fortunately, after whatever it was Will told her, we had a good talk in which we expressed our anxious thoughts and expectations, and then she accepted to marry me. I can't say that all is perfect since we are still awkward around each other, but I'm sure we'll get over that as well.

My meeting today will happen at the coffee place at the mall called Rose's. After grabbing a ,arge coffee for myself, I grab a table and wait for the people I've invited.

"Didier Bouchard! You clean up well, little bastard!"

The voice makes me smile and I know who it is as I lift my eyes from my phone. Micah Oz stands next to me and I grab him in a hard hug.

"Jeez, Didier! I can't believe we are here together after such a long time. Are you still working at the ice cream factory?" He sits in front of me.

"Not anymore. The factory closed and just when I thought I had no future, I got a job at an event planning company. That's the reason I asked you to meet here with me. We are interested in hiring your services for an event."

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