Chapter 38 - Odd Guests

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Just when I thought I couldn't feel happier, this day has broken all records. After the ceremony, we were escorted to the tent where I got dressed to spend a short time in private as husbands. My heart feels as if it will burst from the love I feel for Dennis. I come closer to him while he's busy eating strawberries from a tray with refreshments.

"Hello, husband." I give him a small kiss on his cheek.

"Hello, husband," he repeats and feeds me a piece of fruit. "I'm famished. My stomach was in a knot this morning and could barely eat anything. I'm still overwhelmed by what happened out there. When they say everything happens in a flash, they mean it."

"It was even more beautiful than I imagined. You always had the vision and here we are, finally married."

"I believe we were always married. It took a little longer to hold the ceremony." He smiles and then takes a seat. He looks exhausted.

"Would you like something to drink?" I offer.

"It's hot in this tent. I could go for champagne, but I think cold juice will be better."

"One juice, coming up." I get two glasses and pour juice in them from a carafe. The charcuterie plank is too tempting and I grab a small plate that I top with cheese, crackers and something that looks like a fig dip. "Do you also want a plate?" I ask Dennis and when he doesn't answer me, I turn around.

Dennis stares at nowhere in particular and his mouth moves, but no sound comes out. I've seen this before, so I grab a chair and sit in front of him while I hold his hand. He just said he felt overwhelmed and the stress and emotions of the day were probably a bit too much for him. After a few minutes, he stops moving his mouth and blinks a few times while looking around.

"Welcome back. Did you take your medicine this morning?" I kiss the top of his head and bring back one glass with juice.

"What? Wait..." He looks around the tent. "The wedding..."

"We are at our wedding. You better drink that." I motion with my head to the glass in his hands and he complies.

"Was I out?"

"A few brief minutes. Here, take this." I hand him the plate with snacks I made for myself. "Do you have medicine in your pocket?" I ask, and he nods.

"What if it happens at the reception?" He takes a small pill out of the packaging and swallows it with juice.

"Then it happens and I'll be there for you."

"Your parents are here." He eyes my reaction, and it gives me relief that he's remembering recent details.

"They are, and I still can't believe it."

Thomas come to check on us and I explain what had just happened and that we will need a little extra time. He completely understands and tells us to message him whenever we are ready. Dennis and I talk about how we spent our last day and a half as bachelors. While he visited his family, I relaxed at home and slept until late.

"Got your message," Thomas says from the opening of the tent. "Ready for your entrance?"

I look at Dennis and he nods. We take quick looks in the mirror to make sure we look presentable and don't have crumbs on our clothes. Thomas escorts us towards the entrance of the reception and, as rehearsed, we make our grand entrance and head to the dance floor. People clap so loudly that I can barely hear the song we picked for our first dance, Faithfully, by Journey.

During one of our turns while dancing, I see Dennis' eyebrows shoot up and when I follow his gaze, I see our parents sitting at the same table.

"Holy shit! My mom's being civil," he says and I have trouble holding the laughter.

Planning Forever After (Book 3, Lonstino & Greenwood Series)Where stories live. Discover now