Chapter 37 - Extra Guests

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The mood boards we originally made for this wedding were beautiful, but can't compare with the perfect sight in front of me. It helps that it is a soft sunny day. The breeze coming from the sea makes the sky-blue helium balloons Victoria and her team fastened to the ground dance in the wind. It's the kind of image you see only in dreams and one day I want this dream for Abigail and I.

The next task on my list is to check on Carter. When he arrived, we directed him to the side tent that we have dedicated for him as a dressing room while Dennis will change at the Connors.

"Carter? Can I come in?" I try to knock and feel like an idiot while doing it on the fabric of the tent.

"Didier? Yes, please. I need a bit of help here."

Carter looks like a model out of a wedding magazine, but seems to be struggling with his bow tie. His phone screen is on and I see it's open to a chat with his father that is empty.

"Are you okay?" I ask as I finish tying the bow.

"Very nervous. Dennis is still here, right? He has not run away?"

"He's here. I haven't spoken with him, but Thomas says he's excited."

"Good to hear," his laughs comes out with an edge of nerves. "I can't thank you all enough for everything you have done. Not only we get to have what I believe is the most beautiful wedding, but we have gained new friends, and for that, I'm eternally grateful."

Before I can reply to kind his words, my phone buzzes with a message from Thomas.

Ceremony begins in five minutes. I'm walking with Dennis to the other side of the park. Can you bring Carter out in two minutes?

I type a quick reply and inform Carter. We take a peek from the tent opening and see the guests walking towards the gazebo area. Some linger to look at the gardens, and Will kindly escorts them back to the path.

"It's time," I say to Carter, and he nods.

Carter takes place next to Miles, who holds him in a warm hug. Thomas walks up the gazebo stairs and smiles at the crowd. Today, not only he's the wedding planner, but will act as officiant on request of the grooms. He gives a signal to Jimmy, who starts an instrumental version of All for Love by Bryan Adams. I take deep breaths through my nose to control my emotions and watch Carter as his eyes are glued to the end of the path.

Dion enters accompanied by his wife and takes his place at the other side of the stairs after shaking Carter and Miles' hands. When Dennis and his mother appear, I believe Carter's grin will split his face. Once they walk up the aisle, Dennis' mom kisses Carter's cheek and places her son's hand in his.

"Good afternoon, beloved guests. On behalf of Carter and Dennis, I would like to welcome you to the Sea Rose Park on this special day. My name is Thomas Morgan and I'm more than honored to have been chosen by our friends to officiate this ceremony. Today, you will all become witnesses to the meaning of true love-"

Thomas stops talking and squints towards the end of the park, then his mouth opens in surprise. All people present follow his gaze to find Carter's parents walking towards the ceremony site. Will and I look at each other and nod. We walk slowly towards the end of the rows in case there is trouble. When Carter realizes his parents are here, he walks down the aisle until they meet at the end.

"You are here..." Is the only thing he can say before a sob escapes him.

"Yes... My son is getting married," Dr. Shaw pats his arm.

Carter's mom offers him a handkerchief that he accepts and straightens his bow tie. Abigail has her hand on her chest, moved by the exchange. Thomas talks with two guests in the front row, who happily move two chairs down to make space for Carter's parents, and returns to the gazebo where he nods at Jimmy to once again start the entrance song. Carter links arms with his parents and they walk down the aisle, where they shake hands with Dennis before taking their seats.

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