Part 3

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" Alright, pair up. One slytherin and one gryffindor in each pair." Ms. Alliete said and the class groaned in mutual displeasure.

" Do you think if i say i'm regulus she'll believe me and let me pair up with you?" Sirius whispered and James laughed.

" I doubt it considering he's 15 cm taller than you. And in a different class."

Sirius scoffed and turned away.

" it's 5 cm, don't be dramatic." He rolled his eyes and walked over to the other end of the room with disdain.

" Mr. Potter pair with Mr. Snape." Alliete pointed as they realized they were the only two who hadn't moved to find someone.

" Alright." He said and picked up his belongings, walking over to the desk in the back.

" Hi." He said and Severus smiled sheepishly.

" Hi."

When they got settled the professor conjured a cup in front of each desk, a small teapot and tea leaves next to it.

" I'm sure you are all sick of doing this but we are starting with tea leaves this semester."

" Professor we learnt how to read tea leaves last year." Sirius spoke and she nodded.

" I know that Mr. Black. These aren't regular tea leaves, they're meant to make you sleep. We will be analyzing dreams." She stated and the room hummed in excitement.

Excitement in the lesson or getting to sleep for a whole class, who knows.

" You will each take turns sleeping for 20 minutes, then explain your dream in detail and leave it to your partner to interpret. This does not mean you can slack off but i'm sure it's nice to take a break once in a while." She smiled and everyone's previous displeasure was gone.

" Professor how long will this unit be?" Remus asked and she chuckled.

" I'm sure you'll be glad to know this subject will last a full week. So until next Wednesday we will hone your ability to interpret, and get you a good days rest." She closed her book and turned around to the board.

" Turn to page 314. This subject has 10 pages so bookmark it please." She wrote the page number on the chalkboard and sat down.

" You may begin."

James smiled and looked at Severus who was jotting down notes.

" Do you want to go first or can i?" He asked and Severus tilted his head towards him slowly.

" On second thought i think you need it more." James changed his mind after seeing the dark bags under his eyes, a drowsiness still in his eyes.

" It's alright you can go first. I want to get started on the reading." He said and James pursed his lips.

He watched as Severus brewed the tea. James' attention went to his hands, delicate and slender. Pale but his knuckles dusted pink.

He supposed they were cold as ice with the way his fingers lingered on the warm teapot.

" Here." He pushed the cup in James' direction and he took it from him, fingers brushing together.

The tea felt good going down, bringing his body heat up. The 7th floor was notoriously cold. Even with the warm lighting and soft cushions it was still chilly.

" I'll wake you in 20 minutes."

" Hmm." James hummed and leaned forward on the table, folding his arms as pillows.

" Here." Severus pulled a pillow from one of the cabinets behind him and put it under his head, holding it up.

He held his head gently but with surprising strength as James didn't need to crane his neck up.

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