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Out of the corner of my eyes, I can see tears rushing down Lia's face as Terry keeps her from running after me. She's screaming and crying, but my head is pounding too much for me to pay attention. I see Johanna in complete shock standing still, not moving a muscle. I don't know if she still remembers the games where her sister was picked, if she does, then this must have brought back memories, but this time, someone did volunteer. The odds of her name being drawn again are very slim. I walk up to the stage and take Rosaline's hand to help myself up.

"And tell me, dearie, what's your name?"

I let out a small and shaky breath before leaning into the mic and speaking two words.

"Kendria Parstons"

"Very well! Let us give it up for our female tribute: Kendra Parstin" Rosaline says, smirking at the crowd. Not one of them moves a muscle. I hold in my boiling anger. The least she could do is say my name right. It's unacceptable.

I walk over to the mic again.

"Our female tribute: Kendria Parstons" I emphasize my name, glaring daggers at Rosaline. She looks at me shocked, before clearing her throat and announcing my name correctly in a small voice. I give her a satisfied nod before assuming my position beside her again. I hear Terry give a small whistle from the crowd, which makes it impossible to hold in my laughter. I give a slight giggle, causing whistles just like the one Terry had given to echo across the crowd along with claps and cheers. I grin at my district, the first time they have showed any kind of support towards me. Hopefully they show the same support towards my siblings until I get back. Because I will get back. Whether that's in a wooden box or by train in a sparkly new capitol outfit is solely up to me.

I stand and watch as the mood dampens as Rosaline walks over to the boys bowl. Exactly 6 chits in that bowl have my brothers name on them. All she has to do is avoid those six pieces of paper.

She pulls out a piece of paper and walks back onto center stage. Unfolding it carefully, she reads the name out.

"Austin Trakle"

Fortunately, I don't recognize the name.

And that's it. That's the end of the reaping that all the families in district 7 dread so much. We shake hands with each other and are escorted into a room in the justice building. We have a few minutes to say our goodbyes before we board the train.

Lia rushes into the lavishly decorated room that makes my eyes sting and launches herself into my arms. I can feel hot tears dripping onto my back, but I force myself to stay strong. I pry her off my and kneel down so I'm shorter than her by a few inches. I hold her by her shoulders and look her in her eyes.

"Lia, whatever you do, don't take tesserae. Terry will help you. Take care of Danny. My little bunny, be strong. There are some carved knives and other things. You can sell them but keep one knife with you – just like you do your little pocket knife – just in case. You have your little sheep, don't you? Sell Its wool. You'll be fine."

She looks at me with glassy eyes that make me want to cry. But I can't. I'm doing this for Danny. I have to be strong.

"Promise you'll win. No matter what," She says in a commanding tone.

"I promise little bunny," I say, kissing her on the nose. As she exits, she puts the locket back in my hand and wordlessly makes her way out of the room. Terry comes in supporting Danny. I hug Danny tightly.

"I love you."

It's a simple phrase, but I know he gets it. He gets everything.

"I love you too. So much. Come back. Please, I need you." He croaks into my throat, the illness having an effect on his voice as well. I nod in response.

Sugarcubes // Finnick Odair - Hunger Games FanficWhere stories live. Discover now