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My world comes crashing down with just a few words from our snake faced president.

"On the 75th anniversary, as a reminder to the rebels that not even the strongest amongst them can overcome the power of the capitol, the male and female tributes shall be reaped from the existing pool of Victors."

A ringing sound fills my ears as I try to comprehend what was just said. As part of the 25-yearly quarter quell, Victors will be going back into the game. I feel Lia tense up beside me, but I'm too far gone to actually comfort her. I think that I exit our house in Victors Village, a house we were given after I won, and I think that I made my way to the lumber yard, before sitting on a small patch of grass, leaning against a tree, and crying.

I'm going back into the games.

I'm sure of it.

There are only two living female Victors from District 7. Jo and I.

And there's no way in absolute hell that I'm letting her go back into the games. Which means I'm going back to the place that haunts my nightmares and my past. Going back to the place that I hate so much. The Hunger Games arena. But this time, I'll be competing with trained killers, not scared children.

I burst into Jo's house to see the young woman with shards of glass sticking into her palms, presumably from shattering the cup she was holding. Tear streaks running down her eyes that only I am allowed to see.

"Jo..." I say softly, coming closer to her and embracing her gently, guiding her blood covered hand slowly around me. "You're not going to go back in."

Her eyes widen with realization.

"No. Nobody needs me, Ria. Lia needs you; Danny needs you, I need you. You can't go back in." She says softly, unable to see reason.

"I need to know that you're okay. It's the annoying thing about being a big sister. And Lia needs her best friend. Danny needs you more than you can imagine."

We stay like that in silence as Jo regains her usual witty demeanor and I wrap her hands with bandages after painstakingly picking out the glass pieces.

The Capitol is out to ruin us all.

I'm sure that whatever was originally planned by the makers of the hunger games for the third quarter quell, this isn't it. I'm sure because this is a new rule. This is because of the sparks of rebellion traveling through the districts as a result of the last hunger games where two people instead of one emerged victorious. Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark. The girl on fire and the baker's boy. The star-crossed lovers from district twelve. Because them coming out of the arena was an act of rebellion against the Capitol. And they need to suffer for it.

I feel a sudden rush of anger for the girl, but then am able to sympathize with the young teenage girl who most likely has no idea what she started. She's probably just as scared as I am going back into the arena. And in this arena, if Finnick and I are both reaped, I like her, will have no way to kill him. I can't kill him, or Blight, or Haymitch, who all have a chance of being tossed back into the arena. How will we be able to come to one sole Victor?

Jo and I walk back to my house slowly, Lia waiting on the doorstep for me to come back. She runs to us and engulfs us both in a bone crushing hug.

"I'm so sorry you two."

I ignore her words, and Danny standing in the doorway too, instead turning on my heel again.

"You two go ahead. I need some time." I say over my shoulder as I walk towards Blights house. I need to talk to both of them. Blight and Terry.

Sugarcubes // Finnick Odair - Hunger Games FanficWhere stories live. Discover now