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"What happened?" Finnick asks, taking a strand of wet bloodied hair between his fingers.

I slap him away. I don't mean to be rude and snappy. Honestly. It just comes with the games. I'm usually a delight to be around at home.

"Oh, you know," I say, sarcasm filling my tone, "At around two in the night the game-makers decided it'd be a good idea to make it rain. But unlike normal people would think, this rain wasn't water. Thick hot blood started pouring down on us." Wiress doesn't stop yanking at me, muttering the same phrase under her breath. I can feel my frustration rising. Katniss and Peeta, who have just joined us, mutter something to Beetee. Wiress is still by my side.

"We were stumbling around choking and burning under it, blind, and in the confusion, Blight hit the force field. And it was too dark and sticky and suffocating to save him. He died. The one person who was closest to a father figure to me died, because the game makers couldn't sort their shit out amongst themselves and two stupid teenagers!" I scream. The anger within me slowly rising – waiting to burst out like a volcano.

"Okay, lets all," Finnick tries to intervene, seeing that Katniss's anger is flaring too, probably, but he's too late.

Wiress pulls on my elbow again. "Tick-tock"

"Oh my god! Just stop! Just get off me!" I scream, pushing Wiress down, my anger and over-stimulation finally getting the best of me.

"Hey! You don't get to do that!" Katniss says, coming up next to me and giving me a solid shove backwards.

"I don't get to do that?! Seriously?! I got them here for you! I did this for you! Blight died for you! You have no fucking right to tell me what to do, much less push me. You're a teenager who thought it'd be funny to fuck with a boy's feelings with your pretend shit and landed us all into this shit hole. Don't tell me what to do."

"For me? What? I didn't tell you to do anything Kendria! All I'm asking you to do is not be a shitty person. Oh, wait, I think all that Capitol influence makes it a little hard for you." She says, unhooking her bow from her back. I could kill her right now.

"MY CAPITOL INFLUENCE?" That's all I can get out before I lunge at her, axe raised, ready to stick it over her head and finish the face of the rebellion forever. Finnick grabs me by my waist and pulls my back as my axe slides down. It misses Katniss by a couple of inches and flies straight into the sand.

I kick and scream lividly, out of control, Katniss's life safe only because of Finnick.

He puts me down a few meters away from her and grabs me by the shoulders. "Kendria. No. Remember the real enemy."

Snow. The Capitol. Not a teenage girl that has a knack of getting on people's nerves. I groan in frustration, walking past the group, and picking up my axe. The entire group tenses when I swing it around. I ignore all of them and storm off angrily, choosing a spot right next to the beach, in the tree line to lean against a tree and breathe.

I can see Katniss and Peeta start to help Beetee, as Finnick walks over to me.

"You can't do that Kendria." He tells me, joining me in the tree line, and putting his trident on the ground.

"If I wanted a lecture I would've stayed over there, Finnick." I tell him, and my use of his real names seems to tell him that I'm serious.

He sighs and takes a moment to regroup his thoughts. "I'm not here to lecture you."

"Then what are you here for, Four?" I ask, closing my eyes and resting my head against the tree behind me.

"I'm on your team you know." He tells me, and I smile, an involuntary blush rising to my face.

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