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"Listen Kendria," Haymitch shakes me from my daze.

I stand in my very uncomfortable brown gown in the prep area before Ceasar interviews all the tributes. My stylist has styled the second outfit of my second games which I oddly hate even more than the first one.

Haymitch stands in front of me, and my eyes focus on him. These games are doing wonders for his drinking problems. I've never seen him so sober. Blight on the other hand, is growing increasingly less sober as the games approach. I don't blame him. If it wasn't for my history with my villain of a father, I'd be turning to alcohol too. Right now, it seems the only reasonable solution.

"Yeah? Is this about the Mocking-jay?"

Katniss has been nicknamed the Mocking-jay in all the rebel causes. It's a name inspired by her pin in her games. The Mocking-jay pin. A pin is a much more convenient token for a tribute to have than a necklace, that I appreciate. A necklace is more of a weapon against you than for you.

"Well, sort of. We've agreed, everybody is going to use these interviews as a final call for the games to stop. We're hoping that by helping the citizens realize what they will be losing, we can stop the games from happening."

It's a smart plan. The citizens of the capitol are on edge anyways. Victors are amongst the most respected people in the capitol. Losing so many Victors for the sake of three weeks of entertainment may be something these people are opposed to. There are many desirable victors in these games, which may help our cause.

"So, what do you want me to do? Release the waterworks like Cash?" I nod my head to the screen in which Cashmere is shown, crying her heart out. It couldn't be more evident to me that she is faking it, but the Capitol audience seems to be lapping it up.

"Oh please, Kendria. We all know nobody would ever buy you crying on national TV. No, I don't need waterworks from you. From you, we need fireworks." Haymitch tells me with a twinkle in his eyes.

He needs me to get angry. Easy. I nod my head to tell him it's done, and he walks away smiling.

Fireworks huh? I can do that. First order of business is to get rid of this dress. I think a nice pantsuit would suit me so much better. Moving quickly, as Cashmere leaves the stage and Gloss walks on, I grab an Avox serving drinks and ask him for three things: A needle, some thread, and scissors. Is it risky to ask the servants of the capitol? No. I suspect they are more done with the Capitol than I am; they just cant tell me that they are.

When he arrives back with my scissors, needle, and thread, I grab them and excuse myself to the bathroom. The bathroom has a TV in it too, which I switch on. Finnick will be going on soon, and I need to see what he says to see the extent of fireworks I need to set off.

I cut a slit in the front and back of my dress as Enorbia walks on stage. Taking it off and then stitching would be the ideal process, but the corset is much too tight for me to be able to tighten it without help, and I just don't have the time. I seat myself on the toilet seat, thread the needle, and begin to work my way up from my ankles, stitching up the slit. Pants. It's messy work, but my Sanity work for seven years was stitching. I'd say I'm pretty good at it. Of course, since I'm wearing the dress there's no way for me to flip the dress inside out to get a clean stich but I'm doing the best I can. I'm halfway finished when Finnick takes the stage.

I glance up from my mess momentarily just to see him. His eyes and his golden hair shine in the light. His smile is enchanting as always. He exchanges a few words with Caesar and I get back to work.

"Finnick, I understand that you have a message for somebody out there, a special somebody," Ceasar says.

I hear Finnick scoff. It's only slightly, but I know that it's there.

Sugarcubes // Finnick Odair - Hunger Games FanficWhere stories live. Discover now