The Hero

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Lupis stares at me and takes out an orb, throwing it at me.

I catch it and pocket it.

"That's a communication orb." She says.

"I know," I reply.

"If you need anything, contact me through that."

I nod. "Anyways, I have my first request."


I show her my arm and forcefully fractures my elbow.



Afterwards, a whirl of wind cuts my forehead, leaving a trail of blood flowing.

"I need a priest and some knights," I say.
I go back to the place where the Amani inn stood to find knights and people investigating the disaster. 

"Are you sure each of you is patrolling the area properly?!" Manasa shouts from a distance. She is reprimanding a group of knights. "How many incidents does this make? We are supposed to be protecting the citizens yet we can't even protect an Inn from being raided!?" 

Behind Manasa are the twins wrapped in towels and beside the twins is Yuki. Iode's eyes light up when he sees me. "Akuma!" He cries out loud. 

I trudge towards Yuki with a bleeding forehead and arm in a cast, tears rolling down my cheek. Behind me are some priests and knights.


Yuki widens her eye and runs to me, hugging me tightly.

"I'm sorry. If only I acted a bit earlier..." I say.

"No...It's fine," Yuki says with a shaky tone. I can feel droplets on my sleeve. 

"Dad...I'm sorry," she mumbles.


Yuki turns her attention to the knights behind me who called for her. "Ma'am, we found him collapsed so we healed him." says a knight

Yuki nods. "Thank you."

"Also," the knight continues "we have something to tell you."

Yuki nods again and follows him. 

They walk into the rubbles of Amani Inn and the knight whispers "We've interrogated the last bandit alive and he easily revealed the client. It seems to be someone with white hair and blue eye, slightly taller than you." 

Yuki widens her eye. "W-What..."


Yuki backs off a little. 

"Ma'am...are you okay?" The knight asks.

"Ah! uh...yes..." says Yuki before walking away.
"There is no way it is Kazuki...what am I thinking..." Yuki mumbles in the end.

She walks to the twins and me and smiled. "Let's go...back home," she says, extending her hand to us. 

My plan worked!

We travel on a cramped wagon to the countryside after Yuki paid a farmer 2 silver coins. The sight around fades from cobblestone and wooden infrastructures to a field of crops and scarecrows. 

We are reaching the outskirts of the Lupis Kingdom. Throughout the journey, Yuki simply frowns and stares down, creating a very awkward but solemn ambience.

The breeze howls by and carries Yuki's hair aside, revealing the tears flowing.

"Sniff sniff..."


After an hour, we stop by a small settlement in the middle of the grassland, behind the town is a forest. Yuki carries me off the cart, saying "Be careful, you are injured."

The coachman gallops off when Yuki brings the twins and me into the town.

A woman, having a great resemblance to Yuki with long hair, waits anxiously on the outskirts of the town. She runs to us when she spots Yuki.

"H-How was your dad?" She asks with a shaky voice.

Yuki glances down and stays silent.

"No..." The woman falls to the ground.


Yuki brings us into the town, leaving her mother here.

We stop before a wooden cabin, laundries hang near on a makeshift wooden pole.

She opens the door before dashing to lock herself inside a room.


The twins look at me and I glance back. This is awkward.

"Are the three of you the boys Yuki took in?" An old lady says from behind. She had been loitering around Yuki's house ever since we arrived.

"Y-Yes..." Hazel replies.

The old lady sighs. "And from their reaction, Glenn met a bad end..." She says.

She sighs again and turns her back on us. "I am the chief of the town, you can call me Lithia. Follow me. I will bring you around the town in their stead."

The twins look at me again.


"Uhm...okay," I say.

The twins nod.

Were they waiting for my decision?

Lithia sets off and we follow. The tour consists of the outskirts of the town, and important infrastructures such as the cafeteria, general shops, and barns. In addition, she generally lists out the duties of most villagers in the area when we approach it.

"Anyways, now might not be the best time for all of you to be here," Lithia says. "Currently, the monster session is still ongoing."

So that's why I can spot some warriors roaming. They are mercenaries.


I widen my eyes.

An imposing presence near the forest has released killing intent against this village.


Well, it has nothing to do with me
Because I am pretty sure Kazuki is here.

"Huh..." A mercenary on patrol around the parameter says.

A long cylindrical shadow is hovering in the air that slowly becomes bigger and bigger.


"A-A LOG!!!!?" That mercenary shouts.


A log decimated an entire cabin when it crushes into our village, sending everyone a warning.

"Damn it! Speaking of the devil, kids go back into Yuki's house and hide there!" Lithia says before running off.

We comply and return to find Yuki outside of her room.

"W-What is going on now..." Yuki asks softly. Tears are still flowing down her cheek.


The presence I felt landed in the village, near Yuki's cabin. Its momentum caused a shockwave that blows the roof of the cabin away.

The presence is a large wolf with several scars all around its body. Near the village, from the forest, a wave of wolves has started their advance.

"What..." Yuki says.

The shock of her father's death hasn't recovered and she no longer has any resolve to fight. Although it will be convenient if she could just die right now...that guy will surely come.

The wolf raises its paw, bearing the sharp claws, and strikes down at Yuki. At that moment, a shadow of electricity zoomed past and a dashing boy deflects the wolf's paw, pushing the entire giant wolf back.

"Are you okay, Yuki?" The boy asks.

His white hair stands out in the sunlight and his azure eyes shine more than diamonds. Without a doubt, this guy in front of me is...


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