Hell on Earth(2)

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Under the castle in the Kingdom Lupis is a dungeon where the prisoners, slaves, or toys of Lupis are kept.

In a cell, two men are licking her feet. In her hand is a whip yet she didn't use it. There's scratching anxiety in her heart because of what Akuma said, unleashing nerve-wracking worry and causing her to lose the mood to "play".

A maid notices the behaviour and bows before asking "Milady, is something the matter?"

"N-No...it's fine," Lupis replies.

She sighs and stands up, pushing the two men behind in confusion. They start to grab Lupis' legs and plead for her to stay, which Lupis respond by kicking them aside.

Lupis hands the whip over to the maid and says "Prepare my room, I am going to bed early." To the other maids around.



A rumbling comes from above and slightly shakes the dungeon, dust from the roof falls on Lupis who quickly sweeps it away in disgust. "An explosion?" Lupis mumbles.

In the long corridor, a panicking knight runs to Lupis.

Lupis frowns "what's going on above?" She asks.

The knight, panting, replies "huff...princess...it's an emergency...huff...the people above have gone crazy!! They are killing each other and ransacking the entire kingdom!!"


Lupis widens her eyes and trembles.

"P-Princess?" The knight says.

Lupis grits her teeth and glares at the knight. "What the fuck are you doing here? Prepare for evacuation!"


While chaos erupts in the kingdom, Lupis prioritizes escaping herself over stabilising the kingdom.

"Are you kidding me? Shouldn't we try to calm the situation?" Some of her subjects protested.

Lupis clicks her tongue in annoyance. "Use your fucking old brain. How do we control a population crazed by something unknown?!" Lupis exclaims.


Nobody could rationalize against her. It's useless to solve a problem without knowing what it is.

Maids, butlers, and even knights attempt to hold off the population trying to breach the castle. Like mindless zombies, they take whatever they can and bash the walls surrounding the castle with all their might. 

Although Lupis could not see the complete picture, she can smell the smoke and see the orange gradient in the air.

"Princess, look out!" Says Zelkam who throws himself over her.

"By the command of the wielder of truth, change the laws and permeate salvation! Fireball!" A powerful voice roars through the sky.


Suddenly, the roof of the palace is bashed open by a blast of fire and it caves in. The fragments fall onto Zelkam, leaving Lupis unharmed.

A vein erects on Zelkam's forehead as he screams. "What's the meaning of this, Red Tower magicians!"

Unexpectedly, magicians wearing yellow robes appears behind the magicians wearing red robe.

Zelkam raises his brow.

"My apologies sir! But we were instructed by our Tower Master to use whatever means possible to evacuate the princess." Says the red magician who casts the fireball as the group of magicians flies into the palace.

"What a rare sight..." A maid comments.

There are three magic towers in Lupis, yellow, red, and blue. Each tower specializes in something and is neverending rivals. However, for the sake of the kingdom, they had a temporary truce.

"Princess, we are the top magicians in the tower, you can trust us. Although we cannot use 'Teleport' magic, we can use 'Flight' relatively well. Please rest assured, we will bring you to safety." Says another red magician.

"Where is the Tower Master?" Zelkam asks. "I prefer they escort Princess out."

"They are trying to solve the issue."


Seeing no other choice, Lupis agreed.

The yellow magicians glare at the red magicians who return the scorn but they said nothing to each other as they get to work.

The red magician closes his eyes and his body glows.

"By the command of the wielder of mana, give me wings to soar through the sky. Flight!" The red magician says and a magic circle appears around everyone, levitating them.

"By the command of the wielder of sacred knowledge, grant me protection to save lives. Shield!" The yellow magicians say in harmony. A significant barrier is erected around the group as they slowly float into the sky.


When they are up in the air, Lupis finally sees the full destruction. She bites her nails as her eyes are glued to every detail in her beloved kingdom. 

"You are capable of doing this?" Lupis thinks in her head. "Akuma...who are you?"
I, disguised as Kazuki, roam the streets on fire with a delighted and satisfied smile. I sense Lupis in the air above the palace and sneak a peek.

The yellow and red magicians huh...

I should watch out for the Tower Masters, it won't be an easy confrontation. 

A father takes a knife and stabs a woman opposite the street who is hugging a baby under her body. 

"Die!!" a ragged beggar shouts as he smashes a shovel into the father's head, killing him instantly. The woman, still vomiting blood, takes a rock near and clashes it into the beggar's skull. As the beggar falls to the ground, the stabbed woman gets on top and repeatedly slams the rock into his face, each action spewing puddles of blood. 

A young girl strangles her younger brother with a big smile on her crying face beside a clothing store, which is destroyed by muggers after they bash the doors and windows. 

The list of chaos goes on and on. In short, the Kingdom of Lupis has become the Kingdom of death.

I yawn in my stroll. The smell of blood suffocates the air.

When are they going to find me?

Instantly, two powerful pressure materializes in the air, a woman with long white hair and blue eyes and a blind man with wrinkles. The woman wears a yellow robe and the blind man wears a red one.

Speaking of the devil...

"Kazuki..." The woman mumbles. 

"Cease your actions demon! Remove the curse and we might spare you!" says the blind man.

The dazzling lady should be Rienni Kastrou, master of arrays and traps, and the blind man should be Ceaser Walhauk, master of Pyro magic. 

"Wait! You are killing him?" says Rienni.

"Yes! Open your eyes! Even a blind man like me knows that person is a demon. He is no longer the Kazuki we know!" Ceaser tries to rationalize.

"But something must be wrong! Kazuki is not this kind of person!" Rienni persists.

I widen my eyes and smirk.
There is still someone that believes in Kazuki?

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