Expected Arrival

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The giant wolf lunges for Kazuki's head but he ducks and sends a kick to its torso, throwing the animal up. As it flies mid-air, Kazuki leaps up and instantly draws his sword to slash the wolf into two.

"K-Kazuki!" a villager says. "We are saved!"

"Not yet, anyone who can fight must pick up your weapons, we need to fend off the remaining wolves," says Kazuki.

Hazel gazes at Kazuki in awe but I stay unfazed. I expected at least this much.


The idea of killing Kazuki and Yuki right off the bat strikes my mind. However, I was again reminded of the bizarre occurrence every time I "killed" Kazuki. As if some divine intervention was saving Kazuki, whenever I kill him he always comes back alive and stronger than before.

I click my tongue.



If I can't kill him physically, how about destroying him mentally? Still, I need to do it quickly. Kazuki's growth speed is astronomical.


While I am on my train of thought, Kazuki jumped into the waves of wolves with his fellow warriors. Kazuki acts as everyone's beacon of hope and lightens the fuel of the fighting spirit against the wave.

With one sweep, Kazuki manages to slash 3 wolves. He quickly follows up with one slash and another, turning into a barrage of slashes. His sword envelops in some electricity and his speed and power increase the longer the battle lasts.

In the end, eighty per cent of the enemies were wiped out by Kazuki.

Kazuki jumps back into the village and runs to Yuki. He grabs Yuki's arm and checks her body. "W-What's wrong...?" he asks the stunned Yuki who does nothing to reply to him.

Yuki looks to the side and says "Uhm...Thank you. But...I need to have some time alone." She pushes Kazuki away and walks in the opposite direction.

"White hair and blue eyes...no...Kazuki would never do that." Yuki mumbles.


Kazuki is left with the twins and me. He looks at us and smiles kindly. "Hello! I am Kazuki Astral. The three of you are..." he points at me "Akuma." he then points at Iode. "Hazel?"

"Iode..." Iode says.

"Ah, sorry. Nice to meet you," says Kazuki as he extends his hand out.

I smile and take his hand. "Yes, nice to meet you too..."
Jona glances at Lupis at her desk doing her paperwork.
It's unusual, Lupis has never been so obedient to anyone, much less a mere rude kid.

"Milady, if you give me the order, I will-"

"No." Says Lupis. "Do not touch him."


"Did he use some sort of contract sorcery?" Jona persists.

"No. This is the last time I will forgive your impudence."

Jona grits his teeth and bows. "My apologies."

Milady is so obedient...that brat must have done something, Jona thought.

In an attempt to help Lupis, Jona says "I'm sorry, may I take the day off? It seems that I may need some time to myself."

Lupis stop her writing and places the brush down. "Do what you want."

"Thank you."

As Jona leaves, Lupis glares at Jona's back. She sighs and rings the bell, calling a maid to her room. The maid bows and Lupis says "Inform the logistic department to decide the next head of butler."

Jona walks down the palace into his room and takes off his black coat. He opens the cabinet beside the bed and slips out a scroll.

"Activate." He mumbles and the writings on the scroll light up before the entire scroll vanished into nothing.

A thread of mana connects Jona with the outside world. "Zhuri, I need your help. I want you to track someone. Afterwards, I need your disguise magic to hide my identity."


After a while, a response came. "Do you want to kill someone?" A voice rings in Jona's head.

"Yes," Jona replies.
2 days later...
I've been observing Kazuki's every move and the environment. I've kept track of the number of visitors, the type of visitors, the routine of villagers, Kazuki's relationship, and Kazuki's general reputation.

Overall, only merchants and mercenaries visit the village and Kazuki have a great reputation and relationships with everyone.

Despite that, I've managed to come up with a few plans, some I'm not even sure will work.

But most of the plans require one thing: Jona's appearance. That young man, probably about 5 years older than me, is very sceptical of me. I still remember the intense glare I received when I left the palace from Jona.

Lupis is not a woman that becomes obedient, instead, she is a manipulative cunning woman. Jona knows that and thinks of it as her charm.

That's why Jona will mostly find me...once he notices Lupis' sudden change in behaviour.

A ball rolls to me from afar and a group of boys wave at me. I take the ball and throw it back.

Kazuki walks to me and says "What are you doing? Why not play with them."

Unlike the rest of the children, I simply sit at the door of Yuki's cabin and observe everything.

"Ah I'm fine," I reply.

Kazuki sighs and sits beside me. "There are two peculiar guests a moment ago. They call themselves researchers for the monster wave. Honestly speaking, I find them suspicious."

Is Kazuki trying to strike up a conversation?

Regardless, I am curious. "How do they look like?" I ask.

"Hm? One has long brown hair and eyes and the other has short black hair and green eyes. Both are roughly my height. You can easily distinguish them, one is wearing a hat and a monocle, and the other, which I assume is the assistant, always walks around with a book in his hand."


I point at two figures. "Them?" I ask.

Both the researchers are gazing at us from afar.


A status screen pops up above the researcher with the monocle.
Eighth Star Magic Swordsman

-Eye of Truth
-Divinity Detection
-Cloak overlay
-Fatal Strike

Sword Style: Metamorphosis
Blessing: Pyro Goddess

That's Jona. Good.

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