The Start of Chaos

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"First of all, let me warn you this. I don't know how to teach mana manipulation. I just know how to do it." I say as an excuse.

"It doesn't matter. As long as I can witness your performance, it is enough." Says Zhuri.

There is something wrong with his head, albeit I am not one to talk.


"Alright," I say.

Zhuri closes his eyes and empties his mind. I connect a thread of mana between my conscious to his and enter his soul realm.

My destination is a neverending void of darkness. A single dot of white flame illuminates from afar.
Each person has a different soul realm and it defines who they are. An eternal void of darkness signifies neverending greed.

I grab the flame and it bursts out the fury of fire uncontrollably.
As a result, it burns itself into my soul to fully establish the slavery connection. If I die, Zhuri dies; I can freely control the life of Zhuri as well as know every thought and sense belonging to him. His entire existence belongs to me.

I return to my body and look at Zhuri.

"Ugh..." He grasps his head as he uses a tree for support.

"How do you feel?" I ask.

"F-Fine I think." He replies.

"Good, report back to the capital city of Lupis that Jona died near the forest of this village. Explain the state of his corpse but leave out how it happened. You understand right?"

"Yes, very well. What will your liege do now?"

Your liege? I...give up.

"You don't need to know, go," I say.

Zhuri bows and quickly leaves.

There are five more days till Kazuki awakens but the news of my killings will reach Kazuki soon. I need to move quickly.
Lupis gazes at the starry night. The Demon King awakening will be here soon and her paperwork has tripled. Still, she didn't mind because her pets accompanied her. 

A woman in a suit stands behind the door to her room and Lupis looks at her. 

Lupis smiles and says "Sit."

The woman jolts. "H-Here?"

"Sit," Lupis repeats herself.

"W-Woof..." the woman immediately goes down. 

When Lupis snaps, a topless skinny man crawls out of the dark corner and allows Lupis to sit on him. Lupis then takes off the shoes on her feet and point her toes at the woman, the woman crawls toward Lupis, panting at the sight of her perfect and smooth leg.



The orb she gave to Akuma lights up to interrupt her fun. Lupis clicks her tongue and walks to her desk, picking up the orb. "Jona?" she says into the orb.

"Oh? Why Jona?" Akuma asks.


Lupis widens her eyes. 

" expected me to be dead didn't you?" says Akuma.


Lupis starts to tremble and bites her fingernails. "I-I got the wrong person. My apologies, I gave one communication orb to Jona as well."

"Pfft...I couldn't find anything on his body though." Akuma replied.

"What do you mean?"


Akuma sighs on the other end. "Don't play dumb princess. Do you want me to reiterate the conditions for the contract?"

Lupis stays silent. 

Akuma continues. "The First condition is that both parties must not betray each other. Second, both parties must obey the instructions requested by the other party. Lastly, both parties must not find out why such instructions were requested. Although there are many loopholes to these ambiguous conditions, for you to exploit them instantly is quite bold."

Akuma chuckles at the other end.

The three conditions are not absolute. As long as the other party does not find out, death will not find the culprit. However, there must be three aspects to confirm the other party's infringement: The accuser must have proof, belief, and knowledge of their infringement. Currently, Lupis does not believe that Akuma has proof thus she decided to play dumb.

"I don't know what you are talking about. If you contact me for a childish prank, I will not answer-"

"Jona probably requested some time off right?" Akuma says. "I know you are smart and can deduce that he will go after me. You could have stopped him. But you didn't. That's my proof."

Lupis grits her teeth and clenches her fist. "It's a misunderstanding. If that's true, why am I still alive?" she says.

"Why would I get rid of you, my best pawn? Anyways, your life is in my hand so don't do anything silly, alright?" 


"I will send you the details tomorrow. But first of all, prevent any entry or exit from villages near the capital under the guise of investigating an important researcher's death. You know who I am talking about." Akuma says and cuts the connection.


Lupis is left clenching her fist as she glares at the orb.

"H-How is this possible?" Lupis mumbles. Akuma has fulfilled all three aspects to activate the death contract and there's only one explanation for Lupis living: Akuma is suppressing his 'belief' that Lupis betrayed him. That is the only aspect that can be forcefully edited with god-level psyche control.

"DAMN IT!!" Lupis exclaims as she sweeps the paperwork on her desk aside, causing thousands of papers to fly around. The one thing Lupis hates the most is being manipulated, only she can be the mastermind.

Lupis throws a glance at the woman on the ground. "Go file a request for the logistic department. I have an order for the knights." She says. 

"Y-Yes!" The woman says and quickly left.


"Fine, I will cooperate for now." Lupis mumbles."But I will kill you one day, Akuma."

In the Blue Magic Tower, a magician guild, Zhuri teleports into his room and casts clean magic to erase traces of Jona's blood. He then runs out and visits the only room in the entire tower that still has its lights on, the President of Blue Magic Tower. She is a century-old magician who preserved her glorious youth using magic and is currently in the nineteenth star. 

"M-Ms Gladia!" Zhuri exclaims with a breathless demeanour. "Huff huff...Jona...I found Jona in a terrible state!"

Gladia widens her eyes. 

Unbeknownst to the majority of the population, a river of blood and chaos will soon ensue in the capital.

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