Kingdom of Kins

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A man wearing a simple brown tunic and pants with an ordinary face of black short hair and eyes, the kind of appearance one can see anywhere, walks into a bar. He walks to the bartender and greets him with a bright smile. The bartender returns the smile. Afterwards, the man walks behind the counter and through the door beside the cabinet of beers and drinks.

The door leads to a dark basement after some stairs. Lining the walls are barrels of beer and a table stands in the middle with some seats. Sitting alone in the room is a bulky bald man with a scar diagonally across his face.

"Who are you?!" The man with a scarred face says.

The ordinary man smiles and raises his right hand. Using his other hand, he then proceeds to pull back his middle finger.



"Ah...It's you, Lessi." Says the scar-faced man.

"I will cut to the chase, Hector. Old Man Carl was taken out at the Death Land."


Hector rubs his chin and picks up the jug of beer and chugs it down.
" we are going with plan B?" Hector says after his drink.

Lessi nods.

"One more thing, whose skin are you wearing now?" Hector asks.

Lessi forcefully snaps his middle finger back in place and replies "He is just an ordinary-looking father with a mediocre family."
Then he smirks and adds "This is the best family to hide in."

Hector nods and waves his hand. "I will pass on the orders. Be careful of the Holy Knights, they are out for you."

Lessi nods and left the room.
At Yuki's village...

I open the door to Yuki's home and bring Jade to a bed. Rias, who was walking around the house doing chores, sees me and trembles.

"Y-You...are that man." She says.

"Yes, how is Yuki's mother?" I ask.


"S-She is doing well...who are you?"

"Right, I haven't introduced myself," I mumble and walk to her. "I'm Akuma, your master who revived you from the dead. From now on, call yourself Rias. Abandon the Rienni name."


Rias nods and goes to the kitchen to continue cooking.

"You are not asking any more questions?" I say.

Rias shakes her head. She understands her situation fairly well.
"Actually...I do have one question." She says.

"What is it?"

"What will you ask me to do?"

I rub my chin while pondering. "Many things. But some you will hate, not that you have a choice."

Rias nods and obediently goes back to work.


I walk to her and pick up the vegetables and knife, chopping them into small strips. "What's your relationship with Kazuki?" I ask.

Her pupils widen as she grits her teeth. "I-I...trusted him...because he saved my younger brother...but now I hate him."

I see.

"Speaking of my younger brother...uhm...can you please not kill him? He won't be a threat to you. If you promise that, I will do everything that you command to the best of my abilities even if it's killing."

"Hey, why do you assume I am going to kill anyone I see?" I say.

"I smell blood...on you." Says Rias.


Didn't I clean myself?

"Anyways, take care of her too," I point to Ema, previously Jade, and left the house.

People around the village are getting anxious about the latest chaos. The news of Kazuki's massacre reached the village and coupled with the Demon Lords' resurrection, they don't know if ordinary folks like them can survive.


For now, I teleport to the peak of a mountain near the village.

I take out Kazuki' goddess sword granted to heroes, a majestic giant sword crafted with out-of-this-world materials that never breaks. I touch it and it starts to discharge sparks of energy and sucks my life force. It's rejecting me.

"So it's true...there's a soul inside the sword," I mumble.

A grin slides on my face. "Sure, take as much life force from me as you want!"

A black aura exudes from my body and gushes into the sword.
"AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" A scream echoes from the sword.

Part of the sword carves itself into my skin.


"Stop! STOP!!!" A voice reverberated inside my head.

From the area I grip, a black fog slowly spreads and the sword inevitably changes colour. The giant golden yellow sword was changed into a thin blade of a neverending black void and its guard disappeared.


A sword without a guard? It's not a sword at this point, I'm simply holding a blade with a hilt.

I can neither communicate nor feel anything from this...thing.

A small motion of the blade, not even swinging it, causes a rupture in space and time, opening a mini hole in the dimension that destroys the surrounding nature. Oddly, I can control that power and close the catastrophe.

Secondly, while wielding the sword, everything near me dies. Nothing survives.

"Interesting..." I mumble.

For now, let's call this blade "The End".

I put the blade into my mana storage.
Lupis waits inside the guest room and sips a cup of tea.

*knock knock*

"Come in."

The door opens and Mascorot appears, bowing to the princess.
"Thank you for the pleasant welcome, princess Lupis." He says.

"Likewise, Ambassador Mascorot," Lupis replies.

Mascorot moves his fat body and slams it on the couch opposite Lupis.

"I would first like to apologise about the ambassador's behaviour."

Lupis nods.

"We will compensate you and those affected greatly. Now then, I don't have much time so I will get to the point. Kins is holding a meeting for heroes in the Esterz region to address some urgent issues." Says Mascorot.

The Esterz region consists of three main kingdoms, Januar, Kins, and Lupis.

"Thus, we will formally like to invite the hero that is in your kingdom to join the gathering. Speaking of which, where is he?"


"Uhm..." Lupis mumbles.

"I'm the hero." I suddenly say, appearing out of nowhere beside both Mascorot and Lupis.


"W-Who are you!" Mascorot jolts in shock.

"What do you mean? I am the hero...right princess?" I throw a glance at a shocked, frozen Lupis.

"A-Ah...Y-Yes...You are the hero." Lupis tries to say with a crooked smile. Her right hand, hidden behind her back, is shivering in fear.

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