The Hero's Awakening(3)

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Three days have passed since the ambassador from Kins arrived at the capital of Lupis. In addition, the bastard Luis Scarez has been asking to be treated like a king using the pretext that the extent of Kins' assistance for Lupis depends on his judgement alone.

Veins can be seen in Lupis who tries her best to keep her smile.

"I-Is there anything you need sir?" Lupis asks.

"Hm...maybe a bit of maid assigned specially for me, I want those young ones with cute faces and plump bosoms," Luis says.

"...Understood." Lupis quickly left the room as she was unable to hold herself back any further. 

Once she goes back into her office, she glares Intensely at the wall and clenches her fist tightly. "No...the walls are expensive," Lupis says. 

She takes a deep breath and relaxes before calling for the butlers and maids. Some of the maids had overheard Luis' conversation with Lupis and are shivering with disgust. Lupis asks "Is the preparation complete?" 

Her servants nod. 

Lupis smirks with bloodshot eyes filled with anger. "The operation will begin tonight," says Lupis.

The maids heave a sigh of relief upon hearing that.

Luis stays in the Lupis Kingdom with four knights and one journalist from Kins. Usually, the knights and journalist do not stay with Luis. Instead, Lupis purposely move their residence to the other side of the mansion so there is no way they can witness Luis' activity. 

With that, Lupis assigns one maid as bait that fits Luis' criteria to him. All Luis needs to do is bite the bait and he no longer can boss Lupis around. Luis is a narcissistic immature bastard fed with a silver spoon since young, there is no way he can hold himself back. 

The plan had a high chance of success, or at least that's the case until some shooting stars become meteorites that fall from the starry night that fateful day.

"Huh...why the fuck is that...thing becoming bigger?" Lupis mumbles, staring out the window to her office. "Wait...IT'S COMING HERE?!!!"


The air shakes and rumbles, forcing Lupis' office to collapse into a mess when cabinets fall and documents scatter all over. Lupis ducks under her desk when heaps of dust rain.

"Princess!" Zelkam rush into the room.

"I'm here," Lupis says. "What happened!?"

Her answers present themselves when she sees the large crater beside the castle, there's a funnel hole in the middle that drills down into the dungeon below the earth's crust.

The part of the castle near the crater falls into pieces from the impact. Currently, mages and priests are trying to rescue whatsoever survives.

"Hey! What's with all that noise!" Luis comes out of nowhere and complains to Lupis. "I'm trying to-"


Lupis throws a kick to Luis' crotch sending him squealing and rolling around the ground.

"Shut the fuck up, will you?!" Lupis exclaims. "I'm tired of your bullshit. You, the knight standing behind Zelkam, apprehend Luis and lock him up. We will fabricate the evidence of Luis' crime."

Lupis then turn her attention to Zelkam and signalled for him to follow her and they both went down to check on the dungeon.

But...things aren't what they expected.

Along the dim corridor, the inmates unaffected by the destruction are still intact but the prison guards stationed are all laying on the floor. Zelkam squats and checks their vitals.

"They are knocked out but aren't in critical condition." Says Zelkam.


"Let's go." Says Lupis.

As they get closer and closer to the scene, more slash marks can be seen, a hole was punched in a wall connecting a tunnel to the outside world. The perpetrator escaped through here.

Zelkam clicks his tongue. "Pass down the order! Secure the parameter of the area near the capital! Relay the message to neighbouring lords for help through magic!" He shouts.

"Yes!" His subordinates reply and they rush to work.


Stopping before Kazuki's cell, Lupis froze in shock as her jaw drops open. Kazuki isn't in the cell.

A large fan shape tunnel was burrowed into the cell and the metal bar that entrapped Kazuki was slashed into sharp jagged edges.

"This...should be where the meteorite crashed...but..." Zelkam mumbles. "Odd, this tunnel should be wider and haphazard if the meteorite is circular..."

He notices that the tunnel has molten debris which makes it impossible to climb through unless one is of the fifteenth star. In addition, the dungeon is enveloped by black titanium and an array to prevent escape.

Zelkam sighs and looks at the hole far away. To think that Kazuki managed to break through that...but why did he escape there when he could just escape somewhere nearer to his cell?

Lupis glances at the sword marks.
"Wait..." She mumbles and draws the sword of an unconscious prison guard.

"Princess? What are you doing?" Zelkam asks.

Lupis place the blade right beside the slash mark.

Zelkam widens his eye and yells "Did you not confiscate his sword?!!" to a knight behind.

"I did sir, I swear!"

The sword marks are considerably larger than the width of the blade, indicating Kazuki used another weapon.

"A sword fell from the sky...and came to Kazuki?" Lupis mumbles. "I've read this before, the heroes awakening 200 years ago also had a similar phenomenon... Kazuki is a hero?!"

Lupis' mind goes back to what Akuma said. "How...did Akuma know this?"
"Huff huff huff..." Kazuki hides in a crack between stones. Beside his body is a big and majestic sword that he hides using dirt.

"He probably hasn't gone far! Continue your search!" A knight says.

"Damn did things come to this. I'm pretty sure I didn't offend anyone." Kazuki thought.


Kazuki starts suspecting his stepmothers as the prime suspects and his mood worsens.

Suddenly, he felt the presence of his mother.


When he was sure no other knights are near, he comes out and dashes through the forest until he sees a young lady with hair that stands out in the moonlight beside a carriage.

"Mom!" Kazuki cries out with a smile.

"Kazuki?!" Jade exclaims.

However, Kazuki's smile fades slightly when he notices me. "Akuma...? What are you doing...?" He says.

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