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"That's actually disgusting." I told my mom as she opened the door to my new room. "Get over it Y/n." She smiled and threw my bags on the floor. "I have a bed you know." I rolled my eyes. "Oh you're funny!"she slammed my door and I stood alone in my brand new room in a brand new house in near a brand new school in a brand new town. It might not seem like the end of the world but it is.

We had some family here in Denver, but I think the last time we saw them was four years ago. Anyway we were going to a "family dinner" so I had to get ready fast. I got into jeans and a sweater and did some quick makeup. "Y/n come on!" "I'm literally going down the stairs right now!" I yelled back and skipped the last step landing on the floor.

"Aw don't you look pretty." She mocked me and licked her thumb rubbing off some mascara on my nose. "As do you" I replied fixing some hair out of her face. "Let's go."


We arrived at the house. It was shaggy but homey. The paint on the walls was chipped, and the chimney let out a soft smoke that smelled like meat. I got out of the car and took in a deep inhale of the amazing smell. "Now, I want you to be polite and helpful. Say please and thank you and greet everyone, even if you don't know them."

My mom knocked on the door and it was quickly opened by a kind looking woman. "Oh Y/n! I haven't seen you since you were ten! Wow you're all grown up" She squeezed me into a hug. I couldn't breathe and what I could smell was an overpowering perfume. "Nice to see you too Mena" My mom smiled and walked past her into the house. "You're mom was always so dramatic." She rolled her eyes and let me in. "So Y/n how's Denver so far" "It's quiet which is nice I guess" I smiled. "Well right now it's far from quiet." she looked away. "I'm not sure I know what you're talking about." My eyes brows furrowed. She paused for a second and looked around.

"They call him 'The Grabber', He's taken two kids already" she looked at me. "Woah." I was genuinely shocked. "Hey Mena!" An older man came running up to her. "Who is this?" he stared at me. "Y/n" she smiled. "No way!" he paused "No way!"

"This is little y/n" he said placing his hand down to his waist gesturing to how tall I was. "Hi" I smiled. "I see you've met my sister Mena, or re-met her." "I'm Miguel or I guess your Tio Miguel" he scratched his neck awkwardly. "I'm sorry I'm just not very good with formality."

"That's great, cause neither am I" I laughed. "Y/n?" I heard a voice next to me. I turned quickly ready to greet another vaguely remembered family member. "Robin?" I looked all over his face trying to see if it was him. "Yeah." he smiled and went in for a hug. Suddenly i begin to remember things. Us hanging out during christmas parties, falling asleep on plastic chairs as our parents got drunk and danced. "How's it hanging?" he pulled away keeping his hands on my shoulders. "Pretty shitty honestly" I scoffed. "Wow, I mean this towns not that bad" "No it's not just the town I just I didn't get my credits transferred so i'm stuck in eighth grade again." i whined. "I'm in eighth grade you could hang with me!" he said trying to make me a bit more hopeful.

"That does actually make me feel bit better. Thanks Robin" I smiled. "Hey me and Tio Miguel we're gonna go to the drive-in tonight, wanna come?" "Depends what movie we seeing?" I snatched his red bandana of his head. "Texas Chainsaw Massacre. It's supposed to be like the best...ever" he said. "I'm down. When are we leaving?" "Like right now" he said grabbing his jacket off a chair. "Ok.." I laughed and followed him out to a truck.


"What the actual fuck" I looked up at the screen watching pounds of fake blood spew out. "Here, go buy snacks i'll let you know when the gory parts are over" Robin handed me money. "Thank you." I got up and went over to the vending machine.

"Damn it!" a blonde boy yelled kicking the machine walking away for a second gripping his hair letting out a deep breath. I walked over and looked at the stuck candy bar. I put a dollar into the slot and got the same candy bar getting his unstuck. I squatted down and stuck my hand into the small door
pulling out two snickers. He was leaning against a barbed fence and he fiddled with his fingers
muttering things i couldn't understand. I leaned
on the fence and handed him the bar. He looked
up quickly "You didn't have to" he looked away. "I was hungry and I got two you just happened to be here" i laughed. I tore the wrapper and broke off a piece with my fingers popping it into my mouth.

"Cool bracelets" i looked down at his wrists. "I made them" he said proudly. "I was never really good with artsy stuff" "You good at games?" he asked finally taking a bite out of his snickers. "What like arcades? I'm great at those." I nodded. "No like pinball or something" He shrugged.

"I've never played before."

He almost choked while chewing. "Never?" "Never." "That shits bitchin'" "Bitchin'?" "Yup"

"Y/n!". I turned around and saw Robin jogging towards me. "Robin?" "Yeah. What took you so long?" he glanced over at the blonde boy who had already gotten off the fence. Robin stood straight and grabbed my arm. "Never mind that we have to get back the movies getting good" he said almost harshly. "Right" i agreed sensing the tension. "Um bye i guess?" i smiled and waved goodbye. "Bye!"


"What was that about?" I asked Robin. "Sorry I didn't mean to grab you like that" he frowned. "I just- that was Vance Hopper he's trouble stay away from him." Robin almost shivered. "He was nice." I said. "I don't know just don't start problems with him I mean i've never seen him hit a girl but i wouldn't put it below him." Robin laid back down on the back of the truck which was covered in blankets and pillows. "Oh." I laid down next to him. "Yeah."

"Vance Hopper?" "They call him Pinball Vance" I scoffed at his last words.

"What?" "Nothing." I had an upside down smile on my face.

Ew Bye. This is def not my best work but it's was something that kicked me off for this story pretty good so....

Word Count: 1412

How To Not End Up Dead ~~ A Vance HopperXReader Story Where stories live. Discover now