Cute Pants

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"Robin i'm so lost." i ran up to him when i found in the hallway. "I skipped 4th period cause i could not find it." i sighed and gave him my schedule. "You have science next. I'll walk you." he started heading towards a big building.


"Ok your last two classes are the ones there and in the next building over" he pointed to where i needed to go. "Thank you. Are you going to Finneys game?" i asked him. "Of course i thought i was giving you a ride?" he tilted his head. "I thought i was walking." "Tio Miguel said that we were gonna go in the truck after work" he handed me my schedule back. "I don't know i'll just go with you then" i folded up the piece of paper and said goodbye walking into my classroom. "Ok class, this is our new student "y/n l/n" and i think you'll be sitting right over....there" he pointed to a desk in the back right next to a small bookshelf away from the windows. "Got it." i smiled and walked over to my seat. The bell rung and the teacher closed the door. "Alrighty that's my cue. Now todays we're gonna be continuing on our topic of the layers of the earth. The layer we live on is called the crust it's thin and completely made of solid."

The door was banged from the outside and the teacher sighed and walked over to it. "Come in Mr.Hopper." he groaned and Vance gave him a tardy pass. "Woah wouldn't want you to forget this" The teacher ripped a piece off the pass which i assumed was a detention. "Right." Vance answered and walked to the seat across from mine two upward. "Vance" i whispered and he turned around. "Y/n?" he whispered back. I put my hand into my pocket and dug out the flower chocker he had dropped. "Here. It was on the floor." i put it on the ground and kicked it toward him. "Uh huh." he picked it up and put it around his neck.

I returned to my regular position and put my headphones in turning on my walkman. "Fox On The Run - Sweet" Starts to play. I lower the volume a bit so the teacher doesn't hear it through my headphones but it was loud enough for someone else to hear it. A small hit on my arm turned me around and i saw a piece of crumpled up paper on the floor next to me. Picking it up i got hit in the head with another piece of paper. I looked up to see Vance looking at me. "Really?" i picked the other one up.
"I didn't know if you had gotten the first one." I opened the first one to see "You listen to Sweet?" written on it in horrible handwriting. The other one was blank. "Yeah they're awesome!" i wrote back and threw the paper back to him.
He opened it and a hint of a smile lingered on his stupid face. I got the paper thrown back at me and opened it to read "What other bands do you listen to?" I took my pencil and thought for a moment.

"Black Sabbath, Kiss , AC/DC" i wrote down dotting my i's with hearts. It's a bad habit my mom says i need to grow out of. I crumpled the paper and tossed it lading it in his hair. He shook it to get the note out and i stifled a giggle watching him try to find it. He opened the note and wrote something down and turned back to me. "Make a hoop" he gestured with his mouth and hands.
I made a small hoop with both of my hands and he threw the papers ball into it and made it in. He pointed at himself and raised his eyebrows at me as if to make sure i saw it. I scoffed and opened the note "You have good taste. Are you doing anything after school?" I smiled quickly at the note making sure he didn't see it and wrote back. "Baseball game gotta be there for finney n robin." i threw the note back. I quickly got a response and opened the note. "Then let's do something's now." i looked up at him and he looked over at the teacher who had his feet propped up on the table and his head resting on his shoulder. I took my headphones off and packed my walkman back into my backpack. I got up slowly and looked over at Vance who signaled me to give him my bag.
I threw it to him and he carried it out with his own. He jerked his head towards the door signaling me to go first. I got out of the classroom and waited for him outside of the door. "Let's go." he walked out smoothly. "Where to?" i asked. "Anywhere you want." he shrugged. "Grab n Go?" "They banned me for a week." he nodded his head. "Thrifting" i snapped my fingers. "Sure."
"You don't happen to have car do you?" "I've got a dirt bike." he handed me a helmet he pulled out of his back pack. "No way." i laughed and walked with him.

How To Not End Up Dead ~~ A Vance HopperXReader Story Where stories live. Discover now