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"He hasn't shown up y/n." my mom rubbed her temples and laid down on my bed. "He's fine." i shrugged. "You know i thought you would be a little more upset about this, hes your cousin." she looked at me. "I'm not upset because there's nothing to be upset about, he probably just..." i stopped myself there. I couldn't continue because i didn't know what he was doing. I couldn't assure myself out of this situation. "He's probably just being stupid with his friends somewhere." i let out a breath i didn't even know i had in me.

"Miguel is heading over to the police station to tell them, i'm gonna go head over to Menas if you wanna come." she rubbed my arm. "I'll stay here maybe he'll turn up." i said never looking at her directly. I knew if i did i would eventually come to terms with the fact that Robin isn't the kind of person to leave without notice. That he would never do this kind of thing on purpose.

"ok." she barley muttered out but she got up and went downstairs. I heard her jingle her keys a little louder than usual. Maybe hoping it would encourage me to come. I rushed over to my window and watched her car pull out of the driveway. "Where are you?" i whined and flipped down to my bed.


I walked past my bike not feeling like getting on it. I'll just walk. And i did. I walked and walked not really going anywhere just trying to clear my head. I stopped at looked up and i was at finneys. I looked at the front door not knowing whether to knock or not. Before i had the chance to the door opened. "Hey." it was gwenny. "Hi, you look nice." I looked at her striped colored shirt and her hair in a half ponytail. "I was gonna hang out with some friends but they canceled last minute, come in" she smiled. I walked behind her looking  around. "It's a bit of a mess." she looked back at me. "It's nice." i smiled and she led me to the living room where finney was sitting on the couch. "Hey." he smiled. "What are you doing here?" "I just, wanted to hangout." i tilted my head almost as if i asked instead of told him. "Sit down." Gwenny said and she threw herself onto the couch barely missing finney.

I sat in silence and they continued watching the television. "Robin hasn't come home yet." i blurted out. "What?" finney stood up straight. Before i knew it my hand was over my mouth and my eyes were watering. "I-I don't know, i was supposed to walk home with him a-and i didn't and now he's missing and we don't know where he is." i sort of laughed trying not to cry. "Wait so he hasn't been home since last night?" finney asked.

"No i have no idea where he could be and i've tried to keep my family calm but i don't how much more of this i can take. He's missing and he could be in danger." "You don't think..." gwenny started. "No. I'm really trying not the think that but at this point i don't know." i finally let go letting tears stream down my face. "God." Finney came next to me. "I'm so sorry." he wrapped his arms around me letting me french his shirt in tears. "Y/n don't cry. Robins tough, you saw what he did to Moose, he can take care of himself." Gwenny moved my wet hair out of my face. I couldn't stop crying it seemed pathetic but that sentence i kept telling myself sounded so much better coming out of someone else. Like reassurance that i wasn't the only one that felt that way. Finney kept rubbing my back and neck but i still couldn't seem to comprehend that i was here and crying, it all seemed like a dream.

"What are we gonna do?" Finn asked. "We can't do anything." i rolled my eyes. "I'm useless, i can't help him." i got up and paced back and forth. "I need to go home, i can't have my mom worrying about me too." i stopped for a second. "Thank you." i wiped my eyes and looked at Gwenny and Finn. "Are you sure you wanna go?" Gwenny asked me looking at Finney. "Yeah i just need to calm down." i sniffed and smiled at them. I needed to calm down so i wouldn't go off and do something stupid. I needed to calm down i wouldn't go on a wild goose chase and loose my mind trying to take back something i can't. I didn't walk home with him and this happened.

How To Not End Up Dead ~~ A Vance HopperXReader Story Where stories live. Discover now