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Finn's gone. It feels surreal.

Gwenny called me on the phone last night, she was sobbing. I can't really remember how i reacted. All i know is that I feel shittier than ever. Maybe something was wrong with me. Maybe i was the one who attracted the Grabber, and the others were just collateral damage to that monster.

1:00 am this morning

I ran outside not having anywhere to go. Robin was gone. I couldn't burden Gwen with this. I don't want Vance to see me like this. I'm a mess more than usual because usually i have Robin and Finney. Usually I wouldn't be in Denver. Usually I-
"Y/n?" I looked up and saw Vance standing in front of me. "How do you always find me?" i laughed. "What the-" he took a step closer enough to see my face all groggy and gross. "Vance he's gone." i fell down onto my knees. "Who." he rushed over to me and dropped to my level. "All of them." i sobbed. "Shh. Okay um...i don't know wha-." he struggled to find words. "No no it's okay." i laughed looking at him. "No it's not your crying." he chuckled carefully.

"Vance I don't know if i can do this anymore." i grabbed onto his arm. "You'll be fine." he picked me up. "I just wish i never came here." i shoved my face into the crook of his neck. "Don't say that. You're just upset." he put me on his back. "No I mean it." i cried. My body slumped over his, i had no energy left. "I'm taking you home." he shivered. The wind felt sharp against my skin and my body felt frozen.

"Hello?" Vance spoke when he walked through the door. "No one's home." i whispered. "What do you mean no one's home? Who have you been living with?" he looked at me. "My moms at Mena's. Just until they find Robin." i sniffled. "Ok." he boosted my up on his back and walked up the stairs. He opened my bedroom door but stopped for a second. His eyes trailed over the undone bed and cans of energy drinks scattered on my floor. The window that once had thin curtains letting the sun come in had the curtain pole now hanging from an end. On my bed lay a poster board.

Bruce Yahmada
Time of Abduction: Afternoon

Griffin Stagg
Time of Abduction : Night

Billy Showalter
Time of Abduction: Morning

Time of Abduction: Afternoon

Time of Abduction:

I had red strings pinning each site from each other like a corny mystery movie. The scissors i used to cut the string sat broken on my bed. "What is this?" he dropped me down and i struggled to stand. "'s my fault." i walked over to my bed. "Here." i pointed at Robin Bruce and Finneys pictures. "I talked to all three of them. The days they were taken. I could've stayed with them, but i didn't and now they're gone." i scoffed. "You're tired. Let's talk about this in the morning." he threw the stuff off my bed and i laid down. "Go to sleep." he brushed some hair out of my face. "Where are you gonna go?" i grabbed his arm as he was about to walk away. "Don't worry i'm staying." he grabbed my hand and laid it back down next to me.

My eyes burned when i woke up. They were sticky and i couldn't blink properly. I looked over at the small rocking chair in the corner of my room and saw Vance laying there his hair covering his eyes and his arms crossed his chest. I looked down at the mess of my room and a small wave of heat brushed my face. Ew he saw my room like this. I saw the poster on the ground and got up immediately almost too fast. My vision went dark for a second but when i recovered I picked up the board and pinned it back up on the wall. I sat down on my bed and stared at it for a second. I had narrowed it down to a neighborhood but i wasn't even 100% sure. The chair shuffled and i look over to see Vance's neck laying uncomfortably on the head of the chair. I grabbed a pillow from my bed and lifted his head being careful not to wake him and placed it under his head. I tossed a blanket onto him and got back to work.

How To Not End Up Dead ~~ A Vance HopperXReader Story Where stories live. Discover now