A headache

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My body felt frozen and stiff. I opened my eyes and everything was dark. Holy shit i'm blind. What the actual fuck. Stop. I lifted my body and the carpet slid off my face and body allowing me to see the blue sky. I let out a loud sigh of relief. I'm not blind.

I was by the lake. Everybody knew the lake was haunted — or liked to believe it was— but now in the daytime it looked peaceful and dreamlike. The smell of community water jerks me up and i remember most of last night.

Then i remember, FINNEY!


When i get to my house i see a lump on the front chair on my porch. "Is that?" i squint my eyes. Damn it. Vance. I run up to the porch and shut down to his level. "Vance!" i whisper shouted. "Hm?" he shot up. "Shit, Y/n." he rubbed his eyes. "Vance." i laughed my eyes tearing up. "Where were you?" he got up and looked harshly at me. "You're not gonna believe me." i grabbed his hand and took him inside.

He sat down on the couch and immediately ran for the kitchen. I grabbed water bottles out of the fridge and gulped the first couple down. I tossed them aside and opened the other ones. The cold water dripped down my chin and onto my neck but i didn't care. It was like nothing could quench the thirst and cure the dryness in my throat. "Y/n?" he got up from the couch and was walking over to the kitchen. I stopped drinking the bottle and through it bad once last gulp in it my stomach couldn't take another sip. "Yeah." i said with water still in my mouth. "Damn." he picked up 3 bottles and threw them out. "Okay so," i gulped down the last bit i had in my mouth.

"I was walking down the street and suddenly a big ass flash blinds me for a second." i walked over to the cabinet. "I don't think much of it until i hear something." i grabbed the chip bag that was half full and opened it. "Vance, it was finney. I know it was i heard him screaming. He was saying the grabber had him." I looked straight at him. He furrowed his brows showing me he wanted to listen more. "I ran after the noise and started yelling which now i'm realizing wasn't the best choice." i sighed.

"But the grabber, i felt him." i lifted my sweater  to show my stomach which i hadn't noticed had bruised. "Holy shit." he paced towards me. "He held something to my throat a knife i think because porch lights had turned on, which means people heard me. They heard finney." i laughed. "Y/n are you okay?" he went to my freezer and took out ice packs. "I'm
fine. But i got knocked out." i touched the back of my head which i hadn't noticed but was fleshy and my fingers were covered in blood. "Shit." i mumbled.

"Finneys alive Vance, that means Robin is too." i smiled. "He is." vance led me to the couch where he held the ice pack over my stomach. I winced at the unfamiliar cold but he placed his hand on mine which gave me a sense of comfort. "What are we gonna do?" i asked him. "We aren't doing anything, I am." he moved the ice pack to my sides. "No i have to go." I got up slightly. "Y/n, youre bleeding out on your couch right now you realize that." he looked up at me. "I bet the Grabber wasn't even trying to kill you, the next time he sees you he will, we can't take that risk." he continued.

"I was taken by surprise i'll be ready this time." "And it'll be two this time."

"I don't know. Sleep on it." he put a pillow under my head. "Vance i've never felt more awake." i sighed and looked at the ceiling. "Maybe we should call your mom." "No! She won't let me go out." i grabbed his arm. "Maybe that's for the best."

"What are you even saying?" "That ,i don't know, this is something you shouldn't get involved in." "If i can't get involved you can't either."

"That's not fair." he said. "I'll bring Robin back just wait." He stood up. "Vance no." i got up with him.

"You're a stubborn little shit aren't you?" he groaned. "I thought you already knew that." i chuckled. "You have to wait outside, if i don't come back in 5 minutes you leave." he helps me get up. "You got it." i smiled. "Let's go."

How To Not End Up Dead ~~ A Vance HopperXReader Story Where stories live. Discover now