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"He's probably dead by now." A girl laughed. "It's what happens to those people you know- immigrants , always getting into trouble, my dad says they sell drugs and that gets them killed." Another girl giggled.

I kept my head down and followed my feet in a straight line. In my mind i hear his words. Family is where you draw the line. Don't think, hit.

I quickened my pace and turned the girl around. "Shut up!" i screamed and my fist felt her nose crunch. She screamed and blood dripped down her face. "You bitch!" she shoved me onto the ground. She straddled me and i flipped her over grabbing her hair and dragging her onto the grass. Her nails dug into my flesh leaving marks and her nails broke off inside of me. I groaned loudly and pulled her hair even harder. If you're gonna fight, which don't, but if you need to, be smart don't just hit. I slammed her head into the dirt and punched her stomach and sides. She rolled on the ground and reached up at me. Her thumbs pushed in my eyes and they went red. I could barely see and my eyes were leaking.

The more blood, the better.

I took and arm and twisted it slamming it onto the ground. "Keep going and i'll break it." i said in between breaths. At this point people had surrounded us and we're chanting. All i could think of was Robin. His swift movements i had seen that day. I let her get up. From what i remembered i did the same. She came at me, i ducked. She threw a punch, i kneed her in the side. Finally she came running. I lifted my leg a fast kick hitting the side of her head. She laid still on the ground and her chest rose up and down quickly. I got on top and began to hit her face. My knuckles ached, my head pounded and my eyes bleeding onto her once pastel yellow blouse.

Strong arms came around me and lifted me up. I kicked at her for as long as i could reach her. "Y/n." i stern voice came from behind me. "We have to go, you'll get in trouble." he grabbed my waist and moved me to the side. She was lying covered in the thick dark. "Gross." i scoffed and tasted the blood inside my mouth. He took me to the bathroom where i stood on top of the toilet. I reached into the air vent and unscrewed it with the tip of my ring. I took out Robins secret stash of tape for emergencies. I placed it on the sink and looked at the mirror. Vance came up behind me. "I'm sorry." i choked out. "shh." he spoke softly. He took my hands in his and turned on the faucet. Warm water came out and he took a pump of soap and rubbed it in his hands. He scrubbed my hands and i winced watching the blood and soap go down the drain. I sniffled and my throat got all mossy. He pulled me in closer to him while still rubbing my knuckles in small circles.

After rinsing them off he took a paper towel and patted my hands dry. Tears streamed down my face and i didn't bother to wipe them off. He only focused on my hands and wrapped tape tightly around them to stop the bleeding. He had my hands in his they looked tiny in comparison and his hands were cold and calloused. His fingers stained red and skin peeling from the tips. "Your hands are freezing." i pulled my hands away. "Mhm." he took them back and wrapped my arms around his waist. I dug my face into the crook of his neck and took in a deep breath. Hairspray and freshly cut grass. "You're my best friend Vance." i laughed through a sob. "You're my only friend y/n, which makes you the best." he stroked my hair.

"He's alive." Vance looked down to my puffy eyes. "I know he is." i replied. "Then why are you crying?" he looked at me. I stayed quiet and only leaned into his touch. "I hate you." i looked into his blue eyes. His eyes that looked like large bodies of water, his eyes that looked like natures strongest and most graceful substance. His grip on my waist tightened and i grabbed his hands loosening them so they rested softly. He smiled awkwardly and i pulled away. "Sorry." he laughed. "No no it's fine." i walked over to the vent. i totally blew that.

Placing the tape back in and shutting the screen i took a step back and imagined Robin standing in front of the vent. "Let's go." Vance noticed my gaze. "Okay." i quickly smiled.

How To Not End Up Dead ~~ A Vance HopperXReader Story Where stories live. Discover now