Chapter 26

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As if the afternoon hadn't been stressful enough, Severus felt the pain on his dark mark that called him to a meeting just as he was getting ready for bed later that night.
//Lovely,// he thought to Nightshade.
//Looks like you get to meet The Dark Lord...Well not meet, but you get the general idea...//

//Yeah,// Nightshade agreed eagerly as Severus began to get dressed again...which was annoying considering he'd just undressed.

//It'll be interesting to see what he's like,// Nightshade added thoughtfully as Severus reapplied the chameleon charm.
He made no comment as, with Nightshade on his shoulder, he hurried quietly from the school and across the grounds so that he could apparate to the meeting. He was clearing his mind and reaching for that spot of inner calm that he'd learned to hide in when in Voldemort's presence. Conversing idly with the owl would only take him further from that spot. Nightshade seemed to understand Severus's needs for he remained silent.

The meeting was standard enough with Voldemort making covert plans with those among his ranks who worked in the Ministry for some sort of operation that would take place later in the year. He wasn't even clear with those involved exactly what it was regarding. Likely it was on a need to know basis and no one involved would know until nearly time for it to occur. Smart, Severus couldn't help but think admiringly. Tell idiots too much too soon and something was always certain to go wrong.

The Dark Lord only spoke to Severus directly once to question him about Potter. Severus richly disliked the little brat so had no trouble telling the exact truth about any and all of the boy's doings of which he was aware. The Dark Lord was most interested in Potter's friendship with Sirius Black. Of course the two would be close, Severus thought viciously. Two prattish stupid small minded peas in a Gryffindor colored pod. If the prophecy didn't dictate that Potter was required to kill Voldemort, Severus would happily turn both him and Sirius over to Voldemort tonight...As in right now!

The meeting was over quickly enough and soon Severus was back in his cozy dungeon room at Hogwarts having a much needed night cap of peach brandy.

//Can I have a shot of that,// Nightshade asked.
It was the first time the owl had spoken since they'd left Hogwarts for the meeting. Somehow Severus was too distracted to notice the odd silence from Nightshade.

//You're not distracted. You are freaked the fuck out. You're just used to it, and probably don't really see it as being freaked the fuck out but trust me, Prof, deep down in that little black heart of yours, you are literally freaked the fuck out,// Nightshade proclaimed.
//Because no one can be around that creepiest of motherfuckers without being deeply shook. Fucker got something seriously wrong with him...Like he's lacking something and completely run by his lizard brain. Fuck he is all lizard brain! Fuck! I never saw anything so creepy....I never even imagined anything or anyone could be that god damn creepy! And if my minute little black heart was shook yours is shook! Now you gonna give me that shot or not,// the owl demanded.

Severus wordlessly pored two fingers of brandy into a small beaker for the owl, silently pondering over what he'd said.
//And just when I thought I was accustom to him,// he eventually commented.
//I think your very disturbing lizard brain observation did it though.//
Very true though he couldn't quite explain why.
//Glad to help,// Nightshade thought dryly, gulping the dregs of his brandy, his beak scraping the bottom of the glass.

//Well, did you see anything particularly interesting or useful,// Severus asked.
That was the reason Nightshade had come along, after all.
//Um...Fuck...I sorta got freaked out and forgot to look, Prof. I swear I'll do better next time, though.//

The next morning Nightshade asked Severus to write something on a parchment so he could pretend to take a letter to Mag.
//I wanna tell her what it was like to be in the presence of the creepy bastard,// he said.
Severus was reluctant for Mag to know any more than was absolutely necessary for her own safety...for all their safety, but he knew Nightshade would tell her so simply wrote Hi on a parchment to give Nightshade something to carry.
The owl spent a few minutes with Mag and was back with Severus before the beginning of first period potions. Oddly enough, Severus was pleased to have the company.

As promised Mag met Parvati at the lake the next afternoon.
"Hi," Parvati called, waving as Mag approached.
"I beat you."

"You did," Mag agreed with a smile.
"You didn't bring your fiddle," Parvati accused as Mag drew up beside her.
The two girls began to walk around the lake together.

"I know...I'm sorry. I didn't know you wanted me to bring it," Mag said.
"I was studying a bit and got tired so I'd be no good at playing right now anyway."

"This walk will help get the blood flowing back to your brain for more studying," Parvati said.
"You're preparing for your N.E.W.T.S, right?"
Mag nodded.
"They're even harder than O.W.L.S," Parvati proclaimed with a shudder.
"I'm worried enough about O.W.L.S. I can't even think about N.E.W.T.S!"

"I remember my O.W.L.S. They were dreadful," Mag said.
"Not making me feel more confident," Parvati warned with a giggle.
"They're stressers for sure," Mag said.
"I'm not nearly as worried about my N.E.W.T.S and I have no idea why," she said honestly.
"Odd I know."
She gave a slight shrug.

Parvati suddenly stopped short, a hand grasping lightly at the green sleeve of Mag's school robe. Lifting her other hand, Parvati silently pointed at an odd shadow up ahead and off to the right. It took a moment for Mag to register that she was seeing a hooded figure in a long flowing dark robe. Was it a bloody Dementor? A spike of alarm rushed through her before logic chimed in, reminding her that Dementors were larger than humans and this figure was human sized.

Not a Dementor unless dementors had babies and it was a baby Dementor. That's what Nightshade would've said had he been there with them and not with Severus instead. But no...Logic thankfully continued to override even the fake Nightshade in Mag's head. Dementors would cause a temperature drop as well as unhappy feelings and neither was happening here at present. Before she or Parvati could react the figure turned toward them as if feeling their gazes...or perhaps it was going to turn anyway. It wore a mask covering its face thus making it an it because no gender showed.

"What in the world," Parvati whispered.
Mag nodded.
"Exactly," she whispered back.
"It's either a student playing a prank or.....Then it clicked...Nightshade had said, somewhere in his frantic babblings, that the Death Eaters wore hooded robes and masks. Mag swore. They were in for it! The masked figure was coming their way and calling out for them to stop.

"Run,"Parvati said, grasping Mag's arm and taking her own advice, tugging the older girl along if she wanted to go or not. Fortunately for her, Mag of course very much wanted to go.
The voice that shouted behind them was male so now the masked figure had a gender! Parvati's steps faltered, and she nearly fell to the ground when the spell hit her in the back. She was, as Nightshade would say, a bad bitch, though and caught herself before she fell, grasping Mag's arm for support.

Nightshade! Where was Nightshade when she needed him? With Severus, of course, where she'd told him to be. Blast it all, if the owl were here, he could fly for help. Oh well, now she and Parvati were the only help they had.

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