Chapter 59

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Mag and Severus were still chatting with Albus i.e mostly listening to him vent about Skeeter's trash book, when the howler from Sabra Zabini arrived.
"Severus. We need to meet. There is Dementor trouble. I would prefer Hogwarts as I know how safe it is. We will see you soon in the great hall. Adler is bringing Grindelwald there so we'll have his input about all of this."

"Dementor trouble is probably Voldemort considering he somehow has them under his thrall now," Severus said unnecessarily.
"Perhaps he can more easily connect to them due to his lack of soul."

Mag sighed.
"Can things get any worse?"
"Probably," Albus said.
"That damn book is really making you pessimistic," Severus said, trying not to smile.
He and Mag left for the great hall, promising to return with news as soon as they were able.

When they arrived in the great hall it was still empty so they settled down at the staff table to wait. The Zabinis arrived shortly after, followed by Kereston Boxwood. Sabra Zabini paused near the doorway, waving Severus over to stand with her and her husband. Geo was frowning in worry, and Sabra looked ready to chew nails.
"I'll go inform the elves in the kitchen that we'll be having more people at lunch than usual," Mag said.
Severus gave her a grateful smile.
"Thanks," he said and headed over to the Zabinis.

"Blaise disobeyed us and went shopping in Knockturn Alley like an idiot," Sabra said, getting directly to the point in a way Severus could definitely appreciate.
"He was attacked by Dementors and one called him by name! They were asking about Potter, of course."

That was certainly unusual and unsettling, but wanting to keep everyone from panicking if possible, Severus kept his face relatively impassive save for a slight raise of his dark brows.
//Dude I've never gotten up close and personal with Dementors. That means I've actually never seen one. I bet their energy feels at least as shitty as Voldemort's,// Nightshade commented, mental tone disgusted and uneasy.
//I should think so,// Severus agreed, though admittedly the owl felt 'energies' far better than he.
Distasteful was still just that, though.

"Is there a particular reason they should know his name," Severus asked Sabra.
"No. Of course not."
"I didn't think so," he nodded.
"Wolfgang should be here soon, and we'll get it sorted."
He didn't know if it could actually get sorted today, but Wolfgang would at least have some interesting thoughts that would put things on a productive track. In essence, he would keep the panic down for which Severus was grateful.

Severus glanced around to see that Blaise and Kereston had already settled down at the staff table. The Zabinis house elf was nearby clad in a tunic that was designed like a spiderweb. Blaise's haughty face wore a scowl of annoyance as Kereston babbled at him about something or other.
"Here they come," Sabra said, leaning slightly out of the doorway and peering down the hall.
"They have Grindelwald with them and it appears the potion worked...quite well really. He looks as young as Blaise."

"I hope it didn't work too well," Severus murmured, concerned.
"What's that supposed to mean," Sabra asked, arching blonde brows.
"I hope his memories are intact. I hope he doesn't have the memories of teenage Grindelwald rather than the memories of one hundred and seventeen year old Grindelwald," Severus clarified.
"Because we went through all this trouble for the later."

Geo chuckled.
"Well Grindelwald got himself the Elder Wand when he wasn't much older than Blaise now, so perhaps he could still do more than the ministry even at a young age."
Severus smirked, but before he could speak the group entered the great hall. Millicent, Wolfgang and a relatively tall willowy blonde youth, with curls past his shoulders and wearing a tattered robe went to join the others who were seated at the staff table.

It was Blaise Zabini who rose to greet Grindelwald. His perpetually bored expression replaced with a polite interested smile as he spoke to the blonde and extended a hand. Grindelwald appeared receptive. Bored, Severus turned back to the Zabini parents.
"In your howler you spoke of Hogwarts being safe. Are you under attack," he asked, wondering if he'd missed something.

"I don't know," Sabra said, voice rising slightly as it cracked with the very panic Severus was hoping Adler would help to contain.
How in the hell did Albus think Severus could handle being headmaster when he hated dealing with people and their situations no matter their age? He didn't like dealing with feelings and problems!

"Geo and I have blackened our name, crafted a dark family history, and put a lot of effort into it so we'd remain under Voldemort's radar. Yet in spite of that, somehow Dementors know the name of our baby! At this point, I'm honestly afraid to go home. What if it isn't safe? What if someone comes for us or worse something."
She shuddered.
"Damned Dementors really shouldn't exist, they're abominations," Geo complained, putting an arm around his wife.

"You think that Voldemort has sent Dementors after your family for some reason," Severus asked.
"We don't know what to think," Sabra insisted with a scowl of frustration.
Mag reemerged from the kitchen then and approached.
"Lunch will be served soon," she said, then went to join the others at the staff table.

"Try to relax," Severus told Sabra.
"You're among friends and your family is safe."
There. He hoped that was the right thing to say. They all did need to stick together and the Zabinis were useful allies. He did mean his words, but it would've been nice if someone with...more feelings could've said them. Nightshade snickered into his mind and Severus swept toward the staff table before Sabra could reply. He seated himself at Mag's side. Nightshade sprang from his shoulder to the back of his chair with a brief flutter of large white wings. The owl was visible today because there was no reason for him not to be.

Blaise and Kereston were in animated conversation with Grindelwald while Mag talked with Millicent and Wolfgang.
"It's a balance," Mag was saying.
"It's how the universe works. That's why I think, unless we make really stupid mistakes, which we won't, that it'll all sort itself in the end. There is always a balance, and we are gaining things to counter Voldemort because of the natural law of balance."

She turned to smile at Severus.
"I was telling Millicent and Wolfgang that I recently did a rune cast for the general outcome of this situation and it says that we shall receive unexpected help from several quarters. I assume Mr. Grindelwald is one of those, but there should be even more."

"I look forward to that," Millicent said.
"I wish it would hurry its helpful ass along."
Severus nodded his silent agreement in spite of his dislike for the annoying girl. Lunch appeared then, and the savory smell caused Severus to notice just how hungry he was. Sabra Zabini strolled toward the table with her husband, but as Geo seated himself beside their house elf, Sabra demanded that Blaise share his encounter with the Dementors at once.

Severus didn't see why Blaise couldn't eat first, but was wise enough not to interject himself between anyone and their distraught Mum. From the annoyed look on the young Zabini's face, Severus could tell that he would've preferred to eat before talking as well. As they all listened, Blaise told of reading outside a book shop in Knockturn Alley that had closed for lunch. He noticed the temperature drop and then the Dementor's approached. He did not feel the usual soul sucking depression at their approach, which Severus found interesting and Mrs. Zabini found extremely impressive and brag worthy.

From the riveted look on Grindelwald's face as he listened, it seemed he agreed with Mrs. Zabini. Idly Severus found himself wondering how long it had been that Grindelwald had had a decent meal. He didn't look starved but he was a bit too thin, so the prison food likely wasn't excessively plentiful.

Blaise next told of how the Dementors had closed in, one actually grasping his arm and calling him by name to ask where Harry Potter was. Blaise nor anyone else present understood why the Dementors would think he knew where Harry Potter was. The two never socialized, after all. Blaise was able to pull free, cast a Patronus, leave a message on the outer wall of the shop for his elf that he'd gone home, then apparate away obviously unharmed.

Seemingly more annoyed by the encounter than anything else, Blaise sat down with a scowl and began to eat. His expression relaxed as he resumed his murmured conversation with Grindelwald. Sabra at last seated herself and began to eat, demanding to know what Adler was going to do about this. He had promised to keep them safe, but Severus saw no reason not to add his own help.
"You are welcome to stay here until it's sorted if you wish," he told Sabra.

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