Chapter 64

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Severus walked into the great hall for dinner to see a young woman seated beside Albus. She had long dark hair and wore dress robes that were entirely too low cut. Something about her face was oddly familiar. Severus felt as if he should know her, though he was quite certain he'd never seen her before in his life.

Regulus and Kreacher also sat at the staff table, and they were speaking with Wolfgang Adler. Severus had expected that he and Miss Bulstrode would return for dinner to check up on Grindelwald. He was pleased that Regulus had taken the suggestion to speak to him.

"Albus," Severus greeted as he seated himself at the staff table with everyone else.
"Who is your...friend?"
"Ah Severus,," Albus smiled as he turned to greet the potions master
"This is Miss Bera Karkaroff. Her father was Igor Karkaroff, and she is now Headmistress of Durmstrang. She has come to propose an alliance between our two schools during these turbulent times."

//She wants to bang Dumbledore,// Nightshade shared.
Severus choked.
//No she does not, don't be disgusting!//
//Fuck you, yes she does,// Nightshade proclaimed indignantly.
//She's thinking it right now!//

//You are lying. I have somehow offended you and you are trying to unhinge my mind in retaliation,// Severus decided hopefully.
//Her mental shields suck, so you can look for yourself. I'm good but I can't plant shit in her mind,// Nightshade said, mild amusement in his thought voice.
"Hi," Mag said, settling into the chair beside Severus.
"Sorry I'm a bit late. I was helping Reece rearrange his treasure."
Severus hadn't even noticed her come in.
//Tell her,// he told Nightshade as he forced a wan smile for Mag.

He watched Mag's beautiful green eyes widen as Nightshade obeyed his request. He was momentarily distracted by the realization of how odd it was to be distracted by someone's eyes or to consider them beautiful.
//She asked if Dumblefuck feels the same way, but I can't see into his mind so well,// Nightshade said.
//I don't think he knows, though, so...//
Severus shuddered.
//I can't talk about this anymore.//

//She thinks if she throws herself at him, he'll protect her from Voldemort,// Nightshade said.
//What part of I don't want to talk about this anymore perplexed you,// Severus demanded, frowning over at the owl.
//I wasn't talking about it,// Nightshade protested peevishly.
// I was plowing her mind for info. It's what she was thinking. I assumed you would want to know.//

Severus frowned. It seemed this Karkaroff woman wanted to take advantage of Albus. Of course he didn't like that. Albus was over one hundred years old, though, and could handle least Severus hoped so.
//Thank you. It is good to know what's in her mind,// Severus admitted.
He would keep an eye on the situation.

//Hold on, I'm telling Mags who Regulus is cause she wanted to know,// Nightshade said.
"I've missed quite a lot today," Mag murmured to Severus after a moment or two of silently conversing with their owl.
Zabini and Grindelwald entered then, and the Zabini parents followed soon after with their family elf. Everyone seemed interested in Miss Karkaroff for one reason or other, but her attention for anyone other than Albus was extremely limited.

//Hum, I didn't know Grindelwald had visions,// Nightshade shared.
//He had one about lady Karkaroff and Dumblefuck, though, so he was a bit surprised to see her here so soon.//
//What was the vision,// Severus asked.
//Don't know. He's not thinking about it, so I can't see,// Nightshade replied.
//Eew, now he's thinking about Zabini and I don't wanna look anymore. Too graphic.//
//Understandable,// Severus thought dryly.

When dinner was over and he and Mag were rising to leave, Albus stood as well.
"Would you come to my chambers, Severus? I'd like to speak to you after I've gotten Miss Karkaroff settled in her room. She's remaining here for a few days while we sort out the alliance between our schools," he said.
//I just bloody bet she is,// Nightshade snickered and Severus frowned.
"Yes," he told Albus curtly, then swept from the great hall.

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