No where but everywhere

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"Well where to now?" Tubbo said looking around at the surroundings. 

"I don't know, Ranboo brought us here, he should tell us. Ranboo?" Phil said looking at Ranboo, who wasn't paying attention at all. "Ranboo, You alright? you've been getting very distracted ever since you said you were going to go in the portal."

"... Aimsey what should I do?" Ranboo said to all the others.

"Aimsey..?" The three thought. 

"Aimsey isn't here, no ones heard from them since before the whole threat thing. We've all assumed she's... dead." Tubbo spoke up.

Ranboo's eyes lit up as he lifted his head and looked at the others, they were all looking at him, trying to get his attention. They knew Aimsey was dead, but Ranboo could see them. Ranboo stood there for a second or two before even considering a response. He knew something would happen if he told the truth, something always happens. Ranboo quickly thought of a good lie. 

"Shit, Sorry guys I'm really tired, must be hallucinating." Ranboo responded quickly.

"Ah no your good man, if we can find a place to stay we can get some rest!" Philza spoke, looking into Ranboo's eyes.

The world felt like it was tilting, or spinning really fast. Either way, Ranboo didn't like it, and he just about lost his balance. Ranboo lead the others in a random direction to try and distract himself from Aimsey. 

"This way!" Ranboo pointed forward to the flowers and tree's, reminding him of a flower forest in Minecraft. "This place looks.. old. Like overgrown and not taken care of." 

Ranboo felt a tap on his shoulder and assumed it was one of the 3, but he turned quickly staring at Wilbur's  deep brown eyes. He was shocked to see Wilbur followed them, why would he?

"Wilbur?" Ranboo muttered under his breath. "When-.. di- Why did you follow us? We are nowhere." 

"Thought you guy's would need some help, so I tried to find you." Wilbur stated. "Ranboo, can we talk really quick though?" 

Ranboo and Wilbur went away from the others for a chat, Ranboo was scared, he didn't know what Wilbur was going to do. Was he going to get hurt? Is Wilbur trying to know every little thing ever, every secret, everything. 

"Yeah, whats up man?" Ranboo stuttered a bit, he was shaking a little.

"You've seen Aimsey." Wilbur spoke loud and clear. "How have you seen Aimsey. She's dead. You've been talking to them. I have been here the whole time, you've been talking to Aimsey. Whats going on." 

"I... uhm.." Ranboo thought quick, not letting anyone know the secret. "I've been really really tired and I think I've been hallucinating!" 


Ranboo walked ahead of the others, trying to check the area, he found wall with one hole farther ahead and told the 3 to wait there, so Ranboo could go around the corner.
Ranboo heard some quiet trumpet playing as he turned the corner, there was a stair case. it has a turn farther down but he lead down the stairs. the step before the next turn he heard saxophone and it seemed to get louder every step down.

"Ranboo, you sure these stairs end we're like 50 steps down already and it just sounds like someone's got a jazz band." Tommy questioned.

"not sure, but I've heard something. She said "if you're not sure. go there. it might be stairs it might be a maze it might be anything, do it." She needs us to.

Ranboo scurried down the stair case, as the others walk normally trying to chat.
soon enough ranboo got to the last corner to turn, there was a whole jazz band, Tommy was correct. But. there was something even better.


"Ran. you cant just stare." Tommy said making it down the stairs, the jazz echoed in his ears.

"give me a second guys." Ranboo said walking towards it.
Ranboo approched it slowly with something in his hands that no one could recognize.


"RANBOO STOP." aimsey yelled.

"wh- aimy what's wrong with it??" Ranboo felt himself fall over.

"that's one of the trick portals Ran, it takes you back to where you started, the UK. Don't go in. explore more." Aimsey demanded.

"Um.. okay.." Ranboo muttered

Ranboo opened his eyes and saw everyone still standing still, Ranboo assumed he must of stopped time again, but he would've already resumed time if he stopped time.

"Uh Tom, move please, or resume time. or Phil?" Ranboo realized how still they were both standing.

"Ranboo wake up."
"Ranboo wake up."
"Ranboo. Wake. Up."

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