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Ranboo stood from the jagged floor, wondering why the echo of people yelling "wake up!!" was still echoing. They stumbled through the halls and approached a dark hallway. Aimsey seemed to have been talking from the other end about something unlegible.

"Aimsey??" Ranboo yelled trying to get Aimsey's attention. He ran towards the empty dark hallway trying to get her attention. "Anyone??

The tunnel was dark, it looked empty when ranboo started walking through it. it seemed like it never ended . Every so often there was random turns, which made ranboo hit the walls every so often. sometimes her would fall over other not.

It was the same for what felt like hours, ranboo kept following the path until after about an hour and a half the echoing of Ranboo's name had faded. they had left Ranboo laying on the floor.

Ranboo found to be walking in a straight line with light at the end now, but a familiar someone had been running Ranboo's direction. Ranboo yelled Aimsey's name, trying to see if it was her, it was, she had looked up and saw them staring at her from the other end of the long hallway. 

"shit" aimsey said under her breathe.

"here uhm.. I'll get you out of here, Follow me." Aimsey turned around and walked towards the light, where they had came from. 

A strange figure sat in a box in the light, it looked like a little blob, It looekd like an old friend. the one who threw cookies at him at home. 

"Oh, Thats Slime dont't mind him, he lives here, he's stuck with me here." aismey murmured.

"Bloop" Slime said happily

Ranboo kept walking following in aimsey's foot steps, Ranboo approched a really bright room and questioned it, but didn't ask.

"Ok, so this is the only room this works in now. Stand still." Aimsey closed her eyes.

Aimsey smiles and Slapped Ranboo as hard as she possibly could. Ranboo's eyes bursted open, he saw nothing. not a single soul. It was not even close to where he had been before that incedent.

Ranboo ran towards a building that looked to have a telephone booth next to it, he could call Tubbo's phone since Ranboo has his phone number.

"Leave a message after the tone. beep" 

"Shit.. didn't everyone have to get a new phone.. or.. is Tubbo ignoring me..?" Ranboo thought sitting down.

Ranboo had been sat in the small glass red telephone box for awhile before hearing his first sign of people, in doubt he kept whistling a song and kicking his feet.
"I wonder if anyone is here anymo-" the sound got cut off by a voice

"RANBOO HIDE QUICK." Tubbo yanked Ranboo's arm pulling him towards a bunch of bushes infront of a hotel.

"Tubbo!" Ranboo said very quietly, trying not to be heard but alao talking to their friend. "what happened??"

"took a different way then actually teleporting away in your sleep, what happened with that by the way?" Tubbo explained.

"shit yeah so I'd like to say it was on purpose but i really thought i was just hearing shit, I thought i was awake whole time i was asleep, but I defenately was not. i dont really know what happened.. someone slapped me and i woke up in nowhere." Ranboo quietly spoke. "I dont really know.."

the footsteps got closer before the same voice talked again. "not here boss, over!"


"..." Ranboo knew that they wouldnt say that conveniently looking at the bush they're hiding behind. Tubbo Tugged Ranboo to move again Tubbo was trying to save Ranboo from something he was curious of. The two scurried away towards another building.

"Yeah someones here in L'enfer des illusions its so obvious, i recognize their voice.. sounds like the guy in London for a long ass time when i told him to leave, over." The same guy said.

"Did... did the did the threat find us?"


a tear dripped from Ranboo's eye, he got reminded of that traumatic experience. He died because of London. Ranboo tried to look up but the dudes were still at the hotel.

Ranboo thought a little, they were using  Walkie-talkies. Remember how everyone left their phone..?

Ranboo forgot to. Ranboo Didn't.

"They tracked me they tracked me they tracked me" Ranboo thought repeditively.

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