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Chad's POV:

Without thinking, I shoved H into the closet and she gave a yelp of surprise. I hoped she wouldn't get mad about that. I closed the door and Thad walked in.

"Hey bro" he said in a friendly manner. We usually got along pretty well. "Just wanted a snack" and then he opened the fridge door and started digging around for something to eat.

"Yeah, okay, that's, uh, good. Totally normal."

He looked at me, he could always tell when something was going on. "You okay? You seem..."-

"Nope! Totally fine!" I interrupted.

"Well okay... see ya." He walked out of the room with another bag of Cheez-its..

I sighed and opened the closet. "Sorry about that, I don't know what would happen if he found out. He would probably tell someone." I paused for a moment. What would a worker drone do if they knew a murder drone was here in the colony?

"Makes sense." So she wasn't mad. "Wanna go outside instead?"

I nodded. "Sure."

The two of us both stepped outside into the medium sized backyard. We sat down on a bench, and I studied her again. She wore a gray shirt with fur on the tips of the sleeves plus on the bottom part of it, and a red bandana around her neck. Her hair was a purple-ish sorta color and her eyes were... orange? I always thought murder drones had yellow eyes. Then I noticed the crack in her visor again. "I-I'm sorry I hit you with the shovel, do you um... need anything?"

"It's okay, I'm fine." she said.

"You sure?"-

"Yes. I've experienced much worse in the past, this will heal pretty soon."

What did she mean by that? She's had worse than THIS? The most painful thing I remember was a sprained finger, but never did I get my screen cracked. Now I was curious about this murder drone's past. "Did you ever have any friends before me? I asked.

"I've tried to make friends, but they always scream and run away, plus the team banished me the minute we got out of the landing pod."

Okay, that was too sad. I had never thought about murder drones having feelings before, yet here I was talking to one and honestly, she's the least terrifying person I've ever met. "Why did you get banished? You seem pretty well behaved to me."

She smiled a little. "Well, the thing is, I'm not complete like the others. I'm supposed to have yellow eyes, I'm supposed to fly, I'm supposed to be able to regenerate, and another thing I don't feel comfortable sharing. My point is, I don't have those things, I'm incomplete. So J, the leader, had the option to deal with me being a huge burden to the squad, or she could banish me. Of course, she chose the easier option, she's not a very nice drone."

My eyes turned to rings. "So, you can't fly?"

She shook her head sadly. H looked huggable, so I decided to give her a hug, maybe she needed it. 

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