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Chad's POV:

WOW. I couldn't believe that just happened. I am now friends with a total cinnamon roll who is also a murder drone. My head was spinning, how, just how did that happen? I went inside and mom had made dinner as usual, dad was reading the newspaper as usual, Keaton was playing with some toy cars, and Thad was giving me the "sus" look as usua- oh wait. Definitely not good. That means he's gonna give me a talk and I'm gonna have to spit it out. I'm not saying I don't trust Thad, but I'm not saying that either. I'm not sure if H would be okay with me telling him. Dad isn't fond of murder drones, and if Thad tells him, then it will be all over for me and H. I'd have to lie to Thad until H tells me it's okay to tell him.


I was getting ready for bed after dinner, and sure enough, Thad came up to me.

"Okay Chad, tell me what you're hiding."

I sighed, if I didn't tell him something convincing, then he would steal my phone and hide it somewhere, or he would unleash spiders in my room, or something terrible. I didn't wanna know. " Okay, okay you caught me. I was...playing outside!" I announced.

"Uh huh, like that would ever happen. Come on brother, tell me the truth, what were you doing outside? He asked again.

I facepalmed, he was either very good at this, or I'm very stupid. Probably the second option. I should've known that he could detect a lie. I sighed again, H was gonna be so mad. "Would you befriend someone, even if that someone was built to kill you, but isn't trying to kill you?"

He raised an eyebrow.

I sighed for the third time. "Do you promise not to tell anyone about this? " I asked.

He nodded vigorously, impatient to hear what I was about to say.

I explained what happened and he seemed fine with it.

" Soo... is she hot? " He giggled.

"VERY MATURE THAD. VERY MATURE. BRAVO." I scolded and turned my face away, feeling the heat flooding into my face. Great. When we were younger, everyone teased us that we were so hot and someday we would get a date with a disassembly drone, since disassembly drones were apparently very attractive creatures.

He was laughing like a maniac. "YOU SHOULD SEE YOUR FACE HAHA!"

I put my adult face on. "I, am going to bed now." and walked into my room. Then he started texting me all night so I blocked his number and fell asleep with a small smile on my face.


The next day after school I sat in the yard, waiting for H to show up and then Thad came out.

"Mind if I join the date?" He asked smugly.

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever. And WE are NOT dating!, I barely know her anyways!"

"Uh huh, sure..." he said sarcastically. "I bet she isn't hot then!"

"NOT TRUE! See for yourself!" I yelled.

"Haha, I knew it! You DO like her!"

"Just because a girl is hot doesn't mean I like her."

"Yeah right!"

"Just shut up Thad, okay?"

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