What is this feeling?

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H's POV:

I froze. This is what a hug is like? It felt like a warm blanket draped over my shoulders. It squeezed all the emptiness out of me. This is what I was missing my whole life. I've been cooped up for too long, and all I needed was someone who actually cared. I returned the hug. I realized something, from now on, I am loyal to Chad, he is my purpose in life. I'll do anything to protect him even if that means giving my life.

Suddenly someone called out "CHAAAD, DINNER TIME!"

"Darn, I gotta go, please visit again soon though." Chad told me.

"Will do, bye Chad!" I said as he ran inside. I crawled under the hole under the fence and headed home. I stepped inside the abandoned factory I called home. I sat down and drank some more of that bland oil. I wondered what J and the squad were doing. Did any of them still think about me? Were they all still alive? Many questions went through my head until they eventually circled back to Chad. As I lay down in my bed I felt happy thinking about him. He said to visit again soon, did he really like meeting me? He must have, he hugged me. I hugged my pillow tightly, trying to recreate that hug again. Chad was so nice. What caused him to want to befriend a random disassembly drone like me? How come I got so lucky? I had so many questions that night that I had trouble sleeping. Eventually I realized, I really, really liked Chad. He was so good looking and perfect, even though I'd only known him for about a half hour, and he attempted to kill me, I was already developing love for him. 

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