Wings Part 1

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H's POV:

It was day three of Chad being my friend, and I was walking over to his house as usual, I crawled under the fence and knocked on the door. It opened and Chad was there, greeting me with a warm smile.

"Hey, Thad's doing homework at the library today, so it's just me," he said. "You can come in."

I stepped into the house once again. Chad and I sat on the couch and Chad put his feet on the table.


We talked about our lives for a bit, and APPARENTLY Chad had dated a bunch of girls in the past. I was a bit unfamiliar with that concept, but he explained it to me. I'd probably never get to date him... he had all those girls that liked him, and I only had a crush on him anyways. Oh, and he taught me another new word, "bruh" . It sounded funny but I liked it. It meant something like, "seriously dude?" or "what the heck?" and he explained a bunch of other stuff too, like money, and families. I was so lucky to have him, or else I wouldn't know all that great stuff.

"H, can I ask you something?" Chad asked.

"Sure, anything."

"You told me that you'd been through more pain in the past, what did you mean by that?"

I paused for a moment. " It was... a while ago, when I was getting created. I didn't remember it very well, it was a bit vivid, but one of the humans drank a strange yellow-ish liquid for a while, and then he went a little crazy. He pressed random buttons, and apparently messed up my wings that the others were working on earlier. I passed out after the other humans stopped him, and when I woke up I was in the landing pod with the other disassembly drones. It hurt a lot, but I didn't tell anyone because it would make a bad first impression. The two other girl disassembly drones were talking to each other, but I kept quiet, I already felt kinda intimidated by J to be honest. When we got out everyone spread their wings so they could practice flying and I did the same, but I couldn't move one of them for some reason and then J kicked me out." I sighed. " It was a while ago so I'm fine now."

"Jeez H, that really sucks... I wish there was something I could do." He looked sad.

I smiled for his sake. "I said I'm fine! It's not a big deal."

"Yeah but you can't fly like the others, it isn't fair."

I shrugged. "It's just my life and I'm used to it."

"Can I uh... see? You don't have too but-"

"Of course!" 

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