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(Chapter title inspired by a comment on the original fic)

I completely forgot I wrote a prologue for the original fic so here's the rewrite of that.

I'm so sorry I was gone for so long. We were given a week off of school and I'm using that now to write the next chapter <33

I actually liked the original prologue better ngl.
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"We'll be ordering pizza so be there at five."

The tiny pitter-patter of doll shoes echoed through the hall as I watched a pair of blonde braids thwip around the corner.

I looked down at the slip of paper she put in my hand containing her address and telephone number with a smile.

"Y/N? I've been waiting outside. Let's go." A firm hand landed on my shoulder and the deep gravelly voice of my dad sounded from behind me.

"Sorry, Daddy," I mumbled, feeling the joy drain from my face at his presence. "Jennifer Parker asked me to come to her sleep over tonight. Can I go?" I looked up at the man towering over my small figure.

I wasn't expecting a response let alone a yes. He never allowed me to do things I wanted.

But the hesitation in his sigh built up anticipation within little eight-year-old me.

"Okay. I'll drop you off," he responded before his hand fell off my shoulder.

"Thank you, Daddy," I said, surprised at the sudden freedom I acquired.

"Let's go, Y/N." He ordered sternly.

I nodded and spun on the heels of my worn-out dress shoes, following my dad out of the building with a smile on my face and a pep in my step.

Later that afternoon, I abused the crap out of my backpack, stuffing clothes and whatnot into it, hoping to show them off to my new friend.

My pack looked close to exploding despite my one-night stay. But what did I know?

Already in my pyjamas, I put on the backpack and climbed down the stairs to where my dad was waiting in the foyer in a somewhat formal and presentable outfit.

"Really took your time there, huh?" He asked with sarcasm and spite laced in his tone. Not at all meant to be a light-hearted joke.

I felt something heavy sinking in my stomach and couldn't muster up an apology.

I didn't know how to feel when we got into the car. Seeing him looking cleaner than any other day in my life was strange but I paid no mind to it.

But what did it for me was when we pulled up to a house I was sure wasn't Jennifer's based on what she described.

"This isn't that Jennifer Parker's house," I commented as we walked up to the door.

"No, this is the McFly residence. We have a dinner planned for tonight," he explained.

The dread in my stomach only grew.

"But you'll drop me off at Jennifer's afterwards, right?"

I was met with silence for a moment before the buzz of the doorbell being pressed.

Almost instantly, the door swung open to a couple as old as my father. They looked as equally empty as he did, all three adults fooling no one with the fake toothy smiles on their faces.

"F/N, so good to see you out of the house!" The woman greeted him with a quick hug.

The man didn't seem to like my father, not bothering with a simple handshake let alone a hug.

Disenchantment || Marty McFly x Reader (Rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now