The Plutonium Pandemonium

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I'm so sorry it took a while for me to update. But I just finished my Pre-Finals and now I have a very small window to write before Finals, Christmas break, and the start of our second sem. And I mean teensy weensy almost invisible window. But fear not! We're getting to one of my favourite parts of the fic and I'm motivated as hell. :)
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Defeated by my pathetic lack of self-control, I nodded at the old man and allowed him to push me back towards the vehicle. "Come here, I'll show you how it works!"

Doc let go of my hand and sat right on the edge of the driver's seat next to Einstein.

With an eye roll, I sluggishly made my way to Marty and leaned my chin on his shoulder while he filmed the Doc.

I decided to humour this whole thing that I already deemed complete meshuga the moment we left the house.

A word I learned from the retreat when an eight-year-old boy called me a meshuga bitch for taking away his swiss knife

In my defense, he was an eight-year-old boy with a swiss knife.

"First, you turn the time circuits on." The Doc reached into the car and flipped a switch on the console. Where the radio and air-conditioning supposedly were was covered up by a metal plate with lights and stuff spread out on it.

There were three different digital clock-like screens with labels beneath them. The Doc pointed out each one.

The top one first. "This readout tells you were you're going."
Destination Time: Oct 26, 1985, 01 21

The middle one. "This one tells you where you are."
Present Time: Oct 26, 1985, 01 22

Then the bottom one. "This one tells you where you were."
Last Time Departed: Oct 26, 1985, 01 20

I tilted my head slightly and saw Marty's unbothered expression. I couldn't believe he wasn't at all bothered by any of what just happened.

"You input your destination time on this keypad," he gestured to a number pad right by the plate. "Say you wanna see the signing of the declaration of independence."

07 04 1776

After punching in the numbers, the Doc pushed a white button.

July 4 1776

"Or witness the birth of Christ."

Dec 25 0000

I laughed softly. "You do realise that's not actually his birthday, right?"

I went ignored when another set of numbers was punched in. "Here's a red-letter date in the history of science. November 5th, 1955."

The Doc's enthusiasm faded and it was silent for a moment. "Yes, of course... November 5th, 1955..."

The camera had long been forgotten as the Doc made eye contact with Marty.

"What happened?" He asked.

An amused laugh came from the Doc. "That was the day I invented time travel!"

Coincidentally the day Marty's parents met.

I shook my head at a strange detail. "It took you thirty years to do it?" I asked.

"I remember it vividly," he nodded. "I was standing on the edge of my toilet, hanging a clock. The porcelain was wet. I slipped, hit my head on the edge of the sink!"

I winced at the idea.

"And when I came to, I had a revelation! A vision! A picture in my head!"

He paused and turned in his seat. "A picture of this..."

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